
error writing mime multipart body part to output stream

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-02-18 07:40:08
问题 I have code that does async file uploads which works fine on my dev vm but after I deployed it to the client system, I keep getting this error: "error writing mime multipart body part to output stream" I know this is the line that is throwing the error but I can't seem to figure out why: //Read the form data and return an async task. await Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider); The file size was only 1MB and I even tried different file types with much smaller sizes. Why would this

Ajax Toolkit AsyncFileUpload not working inside a normal Panel

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2020-02-06 03:58:15
问题 Referring to the following: Ajax Asyncfileupload doesn't work as soon as I put it in a control I am having the same issue. I am not using a Master page though. I have an AsyncFileUpload control in a Panel, within an update panel. Any ideas as to what could be causing the issue? 回答1: When you use AsyncFileUpload you must set the right params in the form tag, that is placed in your Page or MasterPage: <form id="form1" runat="server" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"> If you don't set

SWFUpload works in IE, but not in Firefox

痴心易碎 提交于 2020-01-19 11:44:27
问题 Using SWFUpload v2.2, Firefox 3, IE 8, Flash 10 In my ASP.NET application all uploads are being processed by upload.aspx (I have the correct upload_url set in the settings object). In IE 8 the uploads hit the upload.aspx page and are processed, but in Firefox they do not. Any suggestions? Most of the code for the page that the user visits to upload a file is shown here (note: master pages are being used): <script type="text/javascript" src="../swfupload/swfupload.js"></script> <script type=

Persisting variable after AsyncFileUpload call to OnUploadedComplete

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-01-15 06:46:12
问题 This is a strange one. So I have an Ajax Toolkit file uploader called AsyncFileUpload located in an update panel. This AsyncFileUpload control, as soon as you put a file there, begins to upload it and calls the server. I then store this file as a BLOB and obtain the row ID from a database table using SELECT @@IDENTITY. So far so good, I now have a row ID and I wish to store it. I placed it inside a hidden field but when AsyncFileUpload calls OnClientUploadComplete, hidden field is blank! So I

Persisting variable after AsyncFileUpload call to OnUploadedComplete

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2020-01-15 06:46:07
问题 This is a strange one. So I have an Ajax Toolkit file uploader called AsyncFileUpload located in an update panel. This AsyncFileUpload control, as soon as you put a file there, begins to upload it and calls the server. I then store this file as a BLOB and obtain the row ID from a database table using SELECT @@IDENTITY. So far so good, I now have a row ID and I wish to store it. I placed it inside a hidden field but when AsyncFileUpload calls OnClientUploadComplete, hidden field is blank! So I

How to add required validator to ajax AsyncFileUpload?

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2020-01-14 14:42:07
问题 How to add client side required validator to asyncfileupload ,to enforce user to select file before submitting the page. 回答1: You could also set the text of a the hidden textbox in a server side method using C# or VB, rather than a client side Javascript or JQuery function. protected void afu_UploadedComplete(object sender, AjaxControlToolkit.AsyncFileUploadEventArgs e) { afu.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("Uploads\\") + e.FileName); txt.Text = e.FileName; } 回答2: I use a RequiredFieldValidator that

Text Content and FileUpload with AJAX

那年仲夏 提交于 2020-01-11 05:23:05
问题 I am writting a client database system for my company. Not much fancy stuff, but it does what it should. Now that all the basic "text" stuff is done I want to add some filemanagement into it. I have several forms which get send to the backend with ajax and then written into the db in the model. Some of these forms are planned to have a document file upload. Is there a way to handle normal value submits and a file submit with AJAX ? Let me give you a FORM example: <form action="SOMEPATH/LOGIC

Multiple Images upload in android asynchronously using phonegap

那年仲夏 提交于 2020-01-07 02:36:10
问题 I have an issue with multiple images upload to php server. The code given below works fine for android 2.x versions, but the same code doesn't work for android 4.x and above. I have googled and found out that the data posting has to be done asynchronously by AsyncTask. But I have no clue about how it has to be done via phonegap(calling of async task). Here I have my code : package com.mymedlinks.hybrid; import java.util.TimeZone; import org.apache.cordova.api.Plugin; import org.apache.cordova

Wicket - FileUploadField, Ajax and Preview

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2020-01-05 07:13:34
问题 Im using Wicket 1.5 and I need to build a component with a FileUploadField to load an image. I need an Ajax behaviour to make a preview of image after selected it (without submiting the entire form). Searching on Google, I found this Event that match when I select the file: AjaxEventBehavior choose = new AjaxEventBehavior("onChange"){ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override protected void onEvent(AjaxRequestTarget target) { Request request = RequestCycle.get().getRequest();

Getting error while uploading file from real device to server

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-01-03 02:09:26
问题 I am getting error while file uploading to server from real device. All are working good in emulator as I switch to real device get error. Here is code, Function to choose file from device private void showFileChooser(int index) { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); intent.setType("application/*"); intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE); try { startActivityForResult( Intent.createChooser(intent, "Select a File to Upload"), index); } catch (android.content