UML 建模工具的安装与使用

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-04-27 11:21:15
一、 实验目的 1) 学习使用 EA(Enterprise Architect) 开发环境创建模型的一般方法; 2) 理解 EA 界面布局和元素操作的一般技巧; 3) 熟悉 UML 中的各种图的建立和表示方法; 4) 掌握如何通过 EA 工具完成相关模型的建立 二、 实验内容 熟悉EA 环境 采用EA工具完成以下ATM示例系统的UML模型的建立。 通过 EA 工具完成相关 UML 图的绘制。在建立过程中尝试理解模型元素,模型元素之间的关系。 提示:EA打开 toolbox 的快捷键为 alt+5 三、实验结果 1.功能性需求 (1)卡处理 (2)取款 (3)用户登录 (4)用户界面 (5)余额查询 (6)功能性需求 2.用例模型 3.活动图 4.状态图 5.顺序图 四、思考题 通过网络查找相关资料,了解有哪些工具可以支持UML模型与C++或JAVA或PYTHON,代码的相互转换,并给出网络链接及说明。 visual paradigm可以支持C++和JAVA的实现 ArgoUML 、 Java UML Generator、UMLet等

Android: Creating UML from Android Java source code

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-01-13 10:35:07
问题 i am looking for a program that can create automatically an Uml from my Java-Android source code. I have tested ArgoUml, but it does not support Android. Have any one a suggestion? Thanks! 回答1: I can second what Tom Morris wrote in the comment above. Even ArgoUML should work. If you need improved (commercial) reverse engineering support you can try UML Lab - it can definitely read Java written for Android and has a free trial and free academic licenses (incl. support). If you have problems

Difference between guard and event in UML state diagram

血红的双手。 提交于 2020-01-02 08:53:53
问题 I thought I could differentiate between event and guard . But I came across an event being similar to guard: counter > 4 [pin is high] / switch on ^^^^^^^^^^^ event where I viewed the variable counter changes from some value smaller than 4 to that greater than 4 as event. Does that mean event can also be a condition like guard? 回答1: An event is the thing that triggers the transition. In your case counter > 4 is a change event, meaning " the counter value has changed and its value is now

Difference between guard and event in UML state diagram

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2020-01-02 08:53:10
问题 I thought I could differentiate between event and guard . But I came across an event being similar to guard: counter > 4 [pin is high] / switch on ^^^^^^^^^^^ event where I viewed the variable counter changes from some value smaller than 4 to that greater than 4 as event. Does that mean event can also be a condition like guard? 回答1: An event is the thing that triggers the transition. In your case counter > 4 is a change event, meaning " the counter value has changed and its value is now

Generation of Class Diagram from XMI

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-04 10:35:33
问题 Situation I have a PHP project with lots of classes with lots of relationships in lots of folders following the Zend Naming Convention. I use the NetBeans IDE 7.1. I work under Windows 7. Goal I need to see a graphical representation of the class relationships, possibly in varying depths and varying degrees of complexity. Also, it would be nice if the classes in the diagram are clickable. I do not necessarily need to generate documentation. Attempts 1. Within NetBeans NetBeans is an awesome

Generation of Class Diagram from XMI

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-03 06:21:05
Situation I have a PHP project with lots of classes with lots of relationships in lots of folders following the Zend Naming Convention . I use the NetBeans IDE 7.1. I work under Windows 7. Goal I need to see a graphical representation of the class relationships, possibly in varying depths and varying degrees of complexity. Also, it would be nice if the classes in the diagram are clickable. I do not necessarily need to generate documentation. Attempts 1. Within NetBeans NetBeans is an awesome IDE with lots of features. In fact, it recognizes class dependencies, and it would be wise to assume


旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-01 09:11:00
MyEclipse 在线购买低至75折! 火爆开抢>> 【 MyEclipse最新版下载 】 UML1建模文件存储在建模库中,建模可用于生成Java代码,或者可以从代码中生成模型。本教程将向您展示如何执行与建模资源库相关的任务。 你将学到如何: 创建一个UML模型库 创建和编辑UML图 正向设计一个图来生成Java代码 将Java代码反向工程到一个图中 没有MyEclipse? 立即下载 三、正向工程 - UML模型类图到Java代码 MyEclipse UML使您能够直接从UML模型类图中生成Java代码。 1. 用想要生成Java代码的类图打开UML存储库。 2. 选择UML>Generate Java。 生成Java代码 3. 选择将要创建新的UML Java类的MyEclipse项目源文件夹。 4. 选择一个或多个UML类来转换成Java代码,然后单击Finish。 UML正向工程 生成完成后,新生成的Java类将出现在指定的源文件夹中。 生成的类 四、逆向工程 - Java代码到UML类图 从Java代码到UML的逆向工程可以通过两种不同的方式完成,既可以通过批量处理,还可以通过拖放操作。 批量处理模式——逆向工程 MyEclipse UML Reverse-Engineering工具使您能够从任何Java项目、源文件夹、Java包或源文件中导入Java类和接口。 1.