

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 23:47:01
ArcMap与快捷键冲突 商务合作,科技咨询,版权转让:向日葵,135―4855__4328, 问题:armap进入鼠标自动导航状态,arcmap失控,系统紊乱,导致操作无法进行。 现象: 1. qq截图,Alt+ctr+A,只按下alt+crrl,还未按下a键, 2. 按下ctrl快捷键, Solutions, one or combined will be effective 1. escape keyboard 2. mouse middle key 3. toggle app, such as winword,then reenter arcmap 商务合作,科技咨询,版权转让:向日葵, 135―4855__4328 ,


匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 23:30:02
1.打开ArcMap软件 2.找到右侧的目录,在要创建.shp文件的文件路径上右键鼠标,或者点击Connect To Folder,找到想添加的目录,再进行相应操作 3.单击new,单击创建Shapefile文件 4.修改.shp文件的名称,确定.shp文件的要素的类别。 文章来源:


隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-02 14:00:55
关于单体化 单体化效果做出来也有段时间了,可能还是有些问题没有讲清楚,我们这里再说下 单体化矢量的制作 单体化的原理就是一个通过矢量文件构造一个个封闭的几何体去附着到被分类的对象(倾斜或者地形),所以第一步我们需要制作这样的矢量。在GIS行业里,最常见的矢量数据就是shp格式,而arggis的arcmap就是编辑shp的官方工具,所以我们下来展示如何用arcmap制作一个 大雁塔的分层示例。 第一步,先要用arcgis另一个工具arccatalog 新建一个 shp数据图层 arccatalog新建矢量图层 新建矢量图层 注意这里选polygon类型,也就是多边形图层。 设置为wgs84坐标系统 然后右键属性 右键属性 增加字段 我们这里增加四个字段: name,类型为text,这个用来记录我们的 大雁塔级别的名称 minheight,类型为float,用来记录 这一层底面的绝对高程 maxheight,类型为float,用来记录 这一层顶面的绝对高程 height,类型为float,用来记录 这一层顶面相对底面的相对高度 也就是 height = maxheight - minheight 这里其实 maxheight 和 height 二选一就可以了,只是在cesiumlab处理的时候有一个选项可以来设定顶面高度是否是绝对高程。 第二步,在arcmap里绘制矢量面

VB.NET embedded DLL in another DLL as embedded resource?

蓝咒 提交于 2019-11-30 15:59:03
问题 I have seen this done in C#, such as here although, I cannot seem to figure out how to do this in VB.NET. For some background, I have created a custom ComboBox control as a .dll, and I need to implement it in another .dll(ArcMap Component). Unfortunately, ArcMap does not allow for "third-party" DLL's to be loaded along with the component, because there is no option to reference any third-party assemblies for your add-in. If someone could point me in the right direction, it would be more than

VB.NET embedded DLL in another DLL as embedded resource?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-11-30 15:57:30
I have seen this done in C#, such as here although, I cannot seem to figure out how to do this in VB.NET. For some background, I have created a custom ComboBox control as a .dll, and I need to implement it in another .dll(ArcMap Component). Unfortunately, ArcMap does not allow for "third-party" DLL's to be loaded along with the component, because there is no option to reference any third-party assemblies for your add-in. If someone could point me in the right direction, it would be more than appreciated. We use this technique in VB.NET in Visual Studio 2008... First, the project needs to know

How to remove tags from a string in python using regular expressions? (NOT in HTML)

五迷三道 提交于 2019-11-28 04:35:50
I need to remove tags from a string in python. <FNT name="Century Schoolbook" size="22">Title</FNT> What is the most efficient way to remove the entire tag on both ends, leaving only "Title"? I've only seen ways to do this with HTML tags, and that hasn't worked for me in python. I'm using this particularly for ArcMap, a GIS program. It has it's own tags for its layout elements, and I just need to remove the tags for two specific title text elements. I believe regular expressions should work fine for this, but I'm open to any other suggestions. Domenic This should work: import re re.sub('<[^>]*

How to remove tags from a string in python using regular expressions? (NOT in HTML)

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-11-27 05:23:16
问题 I need to remove tags from a string in python. <FNT name="Century Schoolbook" size="22">Title</FNT> What is the most efficient way to remove the entire tag on both ends, leaving only "Title"? I've only seen ways to do this with HTML tags, and that hasn't worked for me in python. I'm using this particularly for ArcMap, a GIS program. It has it's own tags for its layout elements, and I just need to remove the tags for two specific title text elements. I believe regular expressions should work