
PHP: visualize your app workflow and function to function relation

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2020-05-08 05:51:27
问题 i'm searching for a software that would help me visualize my application workflow, and function to function relation. i'm using codeigniter, and my app is growing bigger and bigger ever day, and as i'm working alone. i'm starting to get schizophrenic ! today i'm a building db models, tomorrow may be view js, and html, day after controllers, etc.. so will all this going around i started to forget how i did this or that.. and i have to go back and forth reading my old code.. along with too many

View controller responds to app delegate notifications in iOS 12 but not in iOS 13

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-01-19 11:51:09
问题 I have an app that supports iOS 12. I am adding support for iOS 13. I have a view controller that needs to perform a quick action when the app goes to the background. Prior to iOS 13 that is simple enough. Add a line such as: NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(didEnterBackground), name: UIApplication.didEnterBackgroundNotification, object: nil) in viewDidLoad or maybe an init . Then add the didEnterBackground method: @objc func didEnterBackground() { // Do my

Android Application life cycle and singelton

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-01-02 05:36:07
问题 well most of us familiar with this pattern: public class MySingeltone { public String mSomeReferenceTypeData; public int mSomeValueTypeData; private static MySingeltone mInstance; private MySingeltone() { } public static MySingeltone getInstance() { if (mInstance == null) { mInstance = new MySingeltone(); } return mInstance; } } my problem is that I've found recently that the mInstance don't equal null after activity using him been destroyed, or when the whole application suppose to be clause

Application_End and background processes, exiting ASP.Net application gracefully

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-25 03:10:57
问题 I have an ASP.Net application which fires off some background workers using ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(). Most of the time there will be zero background threads running, however it's possible that there could occationally be up to 5-6 executing at a time. Additionally, most will complete within a couple seconds, but it is possible that they could run for as long as 10 minutes. Given all the different scenarios that could cause a shutdown of an ASP.Net application, I'd like to have these

Android: findViewById gives me wrong pointer?

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-25 00:23:20
问题 In my updateGUI() function I update each TextView like so: ((TextView) findViewById(; ((TextView) findViewById(; ((TextView) findViewById(; When I call updateGUI() from the press of a button with the onclick assigned in the onCreate, the update ALLWAYS works. I have a locationListener that's started when the user clicks another button, and on every

Overriding the Activity/Task behavior in Android

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-24 06:42:05
问题 I'm writing a simple Android app, and I'd like better control over the navigation/relationship between the activities. I don't want my activities to act like android activities...I don't want them to stack up within the Task. I want one Activity (let's call it MainActivity ) to be the landing point and always be at the bottom of the stack, and I want only one instance of my second activity (call it SecondActivity ) to be above it in the stack...would be nice to reuse it as well. I thought I

Why Application.Exit event works even if handler is async void in WPF application lifecycle?

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-23 13:32:46
问题 I have a problem how to await async methods in WPF life-cycle methods (with Caliburn-Micro framework) (eg. OnActivate, OnInitialized, OnExit - which is bound directly to Application.Exit event) This article exactly describes my problem: (now I am thinking of using the solution from this article, but seems like a bit overkill for the first look) I need to await some async methods in my OnExit hanlder

Why Application.Exit event works even if handler is async void in WPF application lifecycle?

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-23 13:32:04
问题 I have a problem how to await async methods in WPF life-cycle methods (with Caliburn-Micro framework) (eg. OnActivate, OnInitialized, OnExit - which is bound directly to Application.Exit event) This article exactly describes my problem: (now I am thinking of using the solution from this article, but seems like a bit overkill for the first look) I need to await some async methods in my OnExit hanlder

what exactly android's home button doing?

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-23 01:19:18
问题 What I do know is that the current activity get into the onPause() mode, and the home screen activity brought to front. My confusion starts with situation you can re-open the application from the recent tasks menu. so what exactly happening when I'm opening the application from the recent tasks manager? Is the activity that was foreground when the home button pressed is still somewhere in the stack? Is there more then one activity stack on the same time? 回答1: As far as I understand it, there

Determine if application on foreground - is that frowned upon?

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-18 17:29:28
问题 There are lots of reasons why detecting if application is on foreground. for example - as a trigger to GCM/C2DM push notification - lot's of apps would have good reason implementing different behavior when app is foreground and background. Other reason could be - shotting down services consuming precious resources, such as querying servers in background task for instance. Just to be clear: the definition (as I see it) for background app is : application which none of it activities are invoked