
angular 2 : possible to combine app shell together with universal rendering

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-01 09:18:40
I have a standard angular-cli generated project. Does it make sense to create both an app shell for it and, also combine it with ng-universal's server rendering technique ? If so , then what's the best way to go about it ? Angular Universal is just additional server-side rendering, done 99% same way as in the browser (there is few differences, ie animations). So for sure it is possible to implement it on existing Angular App (even if it contain AppShell). In my opinion, there is only small pros of doing that. Let's take a look at this that way: Standard Angular app comes to the end user as a

angular 2 : possible to combine app shell together with universal rendering

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-01 07:22:05
问题 I have a standard angular-cli generated project. Does it make sense to create both an app shell for it and, also combine it with ng-universal's server rendering technique ? If so , then what's the best way to go about it ? 回答1: Angular Universal is just additional server-side rendering, done 99% same way as in the browser (there is few differences, ie animations). So for sure it is possible to implement it on existing Angular App (even if it contain AppShell). In my opinion, there is only