
What's the easiest way to persist java objects?

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-17 18:47:11
问题 Right now I have java program whose classes are currently POJOs and stored in volatile memory. These need to be persisted. As I understand it two popular choices are JDO and the Java Persistence API. For someone who know little about SQL, Torque, etc, which is the easiest way to add persistence to my program's data? 回答1: The traditional way to serialise to the filesystem is to use Java Serialisation. However you need to implement Serializable everywhere. A simpler solution is to serialise to

entry point for apache torque project

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-12 13:18:35
问题 I've a project that contains webroot folder name war and contains a structure like but it doesn't contains a web.xml like other common entry point for web projects.How i start this torque project?What is the entry point for torques web project? my another question is here xdoclet folder in my structure contains a folder name merge that contains some servlet mapping files.so what is connection of xdoclect and mapping of servlet. 回答1: I suppose you will find answers to your questions looking at