
ng-checked and ng-change radio button not work together - angularjs

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-12 07:47:23
问题 js angular.module("sampleapp", []).controller('samplecontroller', function($scope,$rootScope) { $scope.radii = [ {id:.25, checked:false, name:"1/4 Mile"}, {id:.5, checked:false, name:"1/2 Mile"}, {id:1, checked:false, name:"1 Mile"}, {id:2, checked:true, name:"2 Mile"}, {id:3, checked:false, name:"3 Mile"}, {id:4, checked:false, name:"4 Mile"}, {id:5, checked:false, name:"5 Mile"} ]; $scope.handleRadioClick = function(){ alert(); }; }); and

how to execute the statement after promise is executed?

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-12 05:26:08
问题 I have used the following directory in my template i want to change the model value of drop-down to id for it i have used as bellow <md-select flex class="md-select-form" ng-model="" placeholder="Degree" save-id id="education.degree_id" "> <md-option ng-value="degree" ng-repeat="degree in ['High School', 'Associates Degree', 'Bachelor Degree', 'Masters Degree', 'M.B.A', 'M.D', 'Ph.D', 'other']">{{degree}}</md-option> </md-select> .directory code .directive('saveId', function

ng-model does not bind within ng-repeat, while everything else does

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-12 04:12:04
问题 I know there are a ton of questions already on this topic, I tried the solutions I found but it doesnt seem to work. Basically I have this directive called basicMunch that goes through an array of objects and creates some html. Everything works nicely and bind other than the ng-modal Here is the code for the directive: > munches.directive('basicmunches', function() { return { > require: 'ngModel', > template:`<div class='columns'> <div ng-repeat="mu in basicMunches" class="card column col-4

Parsing object in ng-options for angularjs select drop down using nested json

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-11 22:23:35
问题 I have the following json: [ { "normal" :{ "font": "Burlington Script.ttf", "fontFamily": "sf_burlington_scriptregular", "fontName": "Burlington Script" }, "bold" : { "font": "SF_Burlington_Script_Bold.ttf", "fontFamily": "sf_burlington_scriptbold", "fontName": "Burlington Script" }, "italic" : { "font": "SF_Burlington_Script_Italic.ttf", "fontFamily": "sf_burlington_scriptitalic", "fontName": "Burlington Script" }, "bold-italic": { "font": "SF_Burlington_Script_Bold_Italic.ttf", "fontFamily"

Angular dynamic ng-model name

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-11 19:57:38
问题 <div class="pw-form-control-text" id="disclosureQuestionsPrepopulate" name="disclosureQuestionsPrepopulate" ng-repeat="type in (prepopulatingFieldData|prepopulateValue:'c2a39346-9e95-e411-bd87-00155d005107')" > <div > <input name="{{type.Id}}" ng-model="formData.disclosureQuestionsPrepopulate"($index + 1) ng-click="option.selected = true" type="radio" value=true >Yes</input> </input> here what I want to do is my ng-model name should be like this formData.disclosureQuestionsPrepopulate1",

How to Properly use the ng-model Directive and its Controller in Custom Directives?

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-11 09:13:04
问题 I've created a directive which wraps jstree and I used ng-model inside my custom directive tag to pass some json data. My question is : Do I have to use ng-model in this case ? 回答1: I've created a directive which wraps jstree and I used ng-model inside my custom directive tag to pass some json data. Do I have to use ng-model in this case ? The ng-model directive instantiates the ngModelController. It is a complex directive that enables form validation and is the prerequisite for the ng-change

Passing Information to Directive to Match Passwords

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-11 05:27:16
问题 I'm trying to add an errors to my floating placeholder labels when certain conditions are met in my controller However, I'm not sure the best way to go about this and my current implementing doesn't seem to be detecting the attribute change in the directive (custom-error stays set to "test"). Here's what I've got right now: HTML: <input type="password" float-placeholder custom-error="test" placeholder="Confirm password" required name="passwordSecond" id="passwordSecond" ng-model="vs

Dynamic addition of div using ng-repeat in angularjs

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-11 04:13:57
问题 I am a beginner in angularjs. I want to dynamically add a div while clicking on add icon.I have done some script on this . HTML part: <div ng-show="child" class="childDiv" data-ng-repeat="choice in choices track by $index"> <label for="childname" class="childname" >ServerName </label> <input ng-model="serverinfo.childname" type="text" required="required" placeholder="name"/> <label for="childname" class="childname" >Fullname</label> <input ng-model="serverinfo.childfullname" type="text"

In the AngularJS Dynamic email validation element, When I fill out the email check element, It's reset

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-11 03:56:13
问题 This is Email Check Element Code in Angular.JS Almost is Ok, But this has a problem. When I fill out the email check element, It's reset! Example I Write this into email check element. "" But this is Reset! when i write the '.' <- point. "test@test" <- OK "test@test." <- Reset the Input. When I write the '.' <- Why the problem occured? Javascript <script> angular.module('test', []) .controller('MyController', ['$scope', '$window', function($scope, $window) { $scope.sendMessage

How to update value of ng-model with the expression in html part

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-10 11:17:44
问题 Why value of the ng-model is not updated with the expression. Before ng-model is defined value get updated Value will be updated as soon as phase2 or phase3 changes <input type="text" name="phase1" value="{{phase2 - phase3}}" ></input> Value will not be updated <input type="text" name="phase1" value="{{phase2 - phase3}}" ng-model="phase1"></input> So I think of writing a directive which will evaluate the expression inside the directive and updated the output to model, Here is html it will