Angular - How to use sum and group by
问题 I need to group the records based on ID and display sum of weight. can someone please let me know the sum and group by method in Angular. API Response: data = [ {Id:1, name: 'ABC', weight: 10 }, {Id:1, name: 'ABC', weight: 14 }, {Id:1, name: 'ABC', weight: 16 }, {Id:2, name: 'DEF', weight: 23 }, {Id:2, name: 'DEF', weight: 22 }, {Id:4, name: 'GHI', weight: 44 }, {Id:4, name: 'GHI', weight: 41 } ] Expected output: dataResult = [ {Id:1, name: 'ABC', weight: 40 }, {Id:2, name: 'DEF', weight: 45