
How to get coordinates on double click on Openstreetmap?

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-20 07:48:01
问题 I am using angular-openlayers-directive , I want to get coordinates of the point where I double click. A similar question: Convert point to lat lon But I want to use it in angularjs. 回答1: You should check this example out: It shows how you can find the lat-long coordinates for mouseover. Also, here is a fiddle I made showing how you can extend it for double click:

Change maxZoom option in runtime to ol.View in angular-openlayers-directive

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-10 17:15:25
问题 I posted this question to change maxZoom in runtime using openlayers3 and that works perfect: map.setView(new ol.View({ zoom: 10, maxZoom: 17, minZoom: 10, })); However, im trying to integrate this solution using the angular-openlayers-directive and the map is disappearing. Here a Plunker demo failing. I tried creating new directive and also didn't work. olData.getMap().then(function(map){ map.setView(new ol.View({ zoom: 11, maxZoom: 11, minZoom: 0, })); }); Any suggestions on how to

How to download the OSM tiles for selected part of map

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-04 06:59:59
问题 I want to download the map offline for a selected part of the map with single Zoom level with Openlayer OSM layer. I have got the four corner of map i.e display section of a map. But need to get the all tiles image or tiles between that four corners. I have reviewed some example: Openlayers get the image url of the tile under the mouse But I need to download the tiles on customer button click. Can

How to get coordinates on double click on Openstreetmap?

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-02 13:18:41
I am using angular-openlayers-directive , I want to get coordinates of the point where I double click. A similar question: Convert point to lat lon But I want to use it in angularjs. You should check this example out: . It shows how you can find the lat-long coordinates for mouseover. Also, here is a fiddle I made showing how you can extend it for double click: . Briefly, you need to listen for the events on the map by including it in the defaults like:

How to download the OSM tiles for selected part of map

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-02 13:03:30
I want to download the map offline for a selected part of the map with single Zoom level with Openlayer OSM layer. I have got the four corner of map i.e display section of a map. But need to get the all tiles image or tiles between that four corners. I have reviewed some example: Openlayers get the image url of the tile under the mouse But I need to download the tiles on customer button click. Can anyone please help me. Here's a simple example to save tiles as data urls for later use. If you need saved