
How to fetch edittext value from one activity to recyclerview of next activity?

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-08-17 12:00:50
问题 I'm trying to fetch edittext value from one activity and displaying that text in recycleview and storing using room DB.... Basically the idea is adding the address in activity address when clicks on plus it will redirect to next page where the user gets the address form onsubmit it will fetch address and add to previous activity recycleview. here is my code for room: table:--- @Entity(tableName = "address") class Address { @PrimaryKey var id = 0 @ColumnInfo(name = "address") var address:

How to fetch edittext value from one activity to recyclerview of next activity?

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2020-08-17 11:59:18
问题 I'm trying to fetch edittext value from one activity and displaying that text in recycleview and storing using room DB.... Basically the idea is adding the address in activity address when clicks on plus it will redirect to next page where the user gets the address form onsubmit it will fetch address and add to previous activity recycleview. here is my code for room: table:--- @Entity(tableName = "address") class Address { @PrimaryKey var id = 0 @ColumnInfo(name = "address") var address:

How to fetch edittext value from one activity to recyclerview of next activity?

余生颓废 提交于 2020-08-17 11:56:39
问题 I'm trying to fetch edittext value from one activity and displaying that text in recycleview and storing using room DB.... Basically the idea is adding the address in activity address when clicks on plus it will redirect to next page where the user gets the address form onsubmit it will fetch address and add to previous activity recycleview. here is my code for room: table:--- @Entity(tableName = "address") class Address { @PrimaryKey var id = 0 @ColumnInfo(name = "address") var address:

how do i remove row from recyclerview using room?

随声附和 提交于 2020-08-17 07:57:27
问题 The bounty expires in 3 days . Answers to this question are eligible for a +50 reputation bounty. Wini is looking for a canonical answer . I'm trying to delete an row of recyclerview using doing swipe to delete a particular row.... here is my Address table--> @Entity(tableName = "address") class Address { @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) var id = 0 @ColumnInfo(name = "address") var address: String? = null } AddressDao: @Dao interface AddressDao { @Insert suspend fun addData(address:

how do i remove row from recyclerview using room?

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-08-17 07:56:48
问题 The bounty expires in 3 days . Answers to this question are eligible for a +50 reputation bounty. Wini is looking for a canonical answer . I'm trying to delete an row of recyclerview using doing swipe to delete a particular row.... here is my Address table--> @Entity(tableName = "address") class Address { @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) var id = 0 @ColumnInfo(name = "address") var address: String? = null } AddressDao: @Dao interface AddressDao { @Insert suspend fun addData(address:

Saving and retrieving nested objects in Room database

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-08-10 20:23:31
问题 I want to save nested objects from API response into Room database so that I can retrieve them quickly next time the app is launched. The structure is the following, A root object that has fields which are themselves objects and contains some list of other objects, however all end up sharing same final object. How can I save the whole data into Room and be able to retrieve them back? Here's how it looks like: 1.Top most class: @Parcelize data class HomeResponse( @field:SerializedName("video")

Saving and retrieving nested objects in Room database

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-08-10 20:22:03
问题 I want to save nested objects from API response into Room database so that I can retrieve them quickly next time the app is launched. The structure is the following, A root object that has fields which are themselves objects and contains some list of other objects, however all end up sharing same final object. How can I save the whole data into Room and be able to retrieve them back? Here's how it looks like: 1.Top most class: @Parcelize data class HomeResponse( @field:SerializedName("video")

Paging Compile Issue : Not sure how to convert a Cursor to this method's return type

为君一笑 提交于 2020-08-06 03:27:39
问题 I have been try to implemented the Paging Library with Room provided by google in Android Architecture Component.But its showing compile time error in my UserDao Class Here is the Error: Error:(22, 42) error: Not sure how to convert a Cursor to this method's return type My Question is what return Type ? @Dao public interface UserDao { @Query("SELECT * FROM user") LiveData<List<User>> getAll(); //Compile Error is here : Not sure how to convert a Cursor to this method's return type

Dagger 2 get own Room instance

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2020-08-05 07:04:45
问题 I want to add a callback to the room database to populate initial data. @Provides @Singleton fun provideRoom(context: Context): MyRoomDatabase { return Room.databaseBuilder(context,, "my_database") .fallbackToDestructiveMigration() .addCallback(object : RoomDatabase.Callback() { @Override override fun onCreate(db: SupportSQLiteDatabase) { super.onCreate(db) } }) .build() } For that i need the database instance in the callback to access DAO for inserting data. How

Kotlin Coroutines Flow with Room and state handling

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-07-23 10:20:16
问题 I'm trying out the new coroutine's flow, my goal is to make a simple repository that can fetch data from a web api and save it to db, also return a flow from the db. I'm using room and firebase as the web api, now everything seems pretty straight forward until i try to pass errors coming from the api to the ui. Since i get a flow from the database which only contains the data and no state, what is the correct approach to give it a state (like loading, content, error) by combining it with the