
Route 53 alias record not working?

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2021-02-10 05:13:33
问题 I previously had a website working on AWS. It was created & registered with AWS. It was setup in the hosted zone and point to an EC2 instance. Everything was working fine. I got "smart" and created a load balancer, which pointed to the EC2 instance, and then I deleted the previous hosted zone record (and associated recordset) and re-added the hosted zone record which would point to the load balancer. After much googling I determined I needed to add an "A" record, make it an alias and point it

Route 53 alias record not working?

拟墨画扇 提交于 2021-02-10 05:12:33
问题 I previously had a website working on AWS. It was created & registered with AWS. It was setup in the hosted zone and point to an EC2 instance. Everything was working fine. I got "smart" and created a load balancer, which pointed to the EC2 instance, and then I deleted the previous hosted zone record (and associated recordset) and re-added the hosted zone record which would point to the load balancer. After much googling I determined I needed to add an "A" record, make it an alias and point it

How to map domain in AWS Route53 with GCP Cloud Run app

耗尽温柔 提交于 2021-02-08 08:13:23
问题 Our domain is registered in Route 53. We have 1 hosted zone, and the domain is currently used for one of our EC2 instances (I think as an elastic IP address). Our hosted zone has all of the records needed to work with our EC2 instance. We now need to use this domain instead for my an application deployed through GCP's Cloud Run. I have headed to and clicked Add Mapping , typed in our base url, and received a button to Verify in Webmaster Central , which I

Redirect http:// requests to https:// on AWS API Gateway (using Custom Domains)

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2021-02-07 04:42:08
问题 I'm using AWS API Gateway with a custom domain. When I try to access https :// it works perfectly, but when i try http :// it can't connect. Is there a way to redirect the http -> https with the custom domain in API Gateway? If not, is there a way to get the http:// links to work just like the https:// links? 回答1: API Gateway doesn't directly support http without TLS, presumably as a security feature, as well as for some practical considerations. There is not a

Dynamically create new subdomains and point to a cloud front distribution pointing to an s3 bucket

江枫思渺然 提交于 2021-01-29 10:33:21
问题 S3 Bucket in question will have my website files that will be served by a CloudFront distribution. As new customers sign up (It is a multi-tenant serverless application), new subdomains will be created dynamically (not * wild card operator as we wish to serve only valid subdomains associated to customers or redirect to root domain). The website is being served from the same CloudFront distribution/ S3 bucket. How can I dynamically create new subdomains and point to a cloud front distribution

How does AWS Route 53 achieve latency based routing?

落花浮王杯 提交于 2021-01-28 22:16:12
问题 AWS Route 53 can provide latency based routing policy (see latency routing policy from AWS Route 53. But I am wondering how Route 53 knows the latency between my laptop (client) and the server endpoint accurately. Did AWS publish it's mechanism to provide this feature? Should I trust it with 100% faith or it simply a best-guess based? 回答1: Once you're sending a DNS query, it's too late for the service to try to "triangulate" you, as it were, and actually measure the latency to you. That isn't

Terraform: Referencing resources created in for_each in another resource

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2021-01-28 08:12:00
问题 When I had a single hosted zone it was easy for me to create the zone and then create the NS records for the zone in the delegating account by referencing the hosted zone by name. Edit To try to avoid confusion this is what I wanted to achieve but for multiple hosted zones and the owner of the domain is a management account: Now I need to create multiple hosted zones and pass the nameserver records back to the parent

Terraform for_each use case

梦想的初衷 提交于 2021-01-28 05:44:02
问题 I am creating a bunch of Route 53 resolver rules in each region and this works great with for_each loop: resource "aws_route53_resolver_rule" "resolver-rule" { for_each = var.resolver-rules domain_name = each.value.domain-name name = format("core-%s", each.value.domain-label) rule_type = "FORWARD" resolver_endpoint_id = target_ip { ip = each.value.forwarder1 } target_ip { ip = each.value.forwarder2 } tags = merge(var.tags, map("Name", format(

Route53 and Cloudfront The request could not be satisfied?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2021-01-26 13:17:19
问题 I just want to serve my s3 files on So I create cloudfront distribution which is working fine on - I get the image. And now I want to associate my domain at with cloudfront in route53. So I create A record type A-IPv4 address. with name alias target I manully put . But when I open the url: I get the error: 403 ERROR The request could not be

Route53 and Cloudfront The request could not be satisfied?

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2021-01-26 13:16:59
问题 I just want to serve my s3 files on So I create cloudfront distribution which is working fine on - I get the image. And now I want to associate my domain at with cloudfront in route53. So I create A record type A-IPv4 address. with name alias target I manully put . But when I open the url: I get the error: 403 ERROR The request could not be