
Unable to add an RDS instance to Elastic Beanstalk

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-02-20 19:05:10
问题 Suddenly I can't add an RDS to my EB environment, not sure why. Here's the full error message: Unable to retrieve RDS configuration options. Configuration validation exception: Invalid option value: 'db.t1.micro' (Namespace: 'aws:rds:dbinstance', OptionName: 'DBInstanceClass'): DBInstanceClass db.t1.micro not supported for mysql db I am not sure if this is due to the default AMI that I am using or something else. Note that I didn't choose to launch t1.micro RDS instance. Seems like eb is

How to increase ulimit in Docker in Elastic Beanstalk?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2021-02-19 08:52:16
问题 I would like to increase ulimit in Docker in Elastic Beanstalk to run some apps. I know that I need to increase ulimit of Docker host and restart docker service but cannot find a way to do it. I wrote following .ebextensions/01limits.config but still cannot increase ulimit. commands: 01limits: command: echo -e "#commands\nroot soft nofile 65536\nroot hard nofile 65536\n* soft nofile 65536\n* hard nofile 65536" >> /etc/security/limits.conf 02restartdocker: command: service docker restart ADDED

Error “Your requirements.txt is invalid” when following tutorial AWS Elastic Beanstalk's Flask tutorial

为君一笑 提交于 2021-02-19 06:23:21
问题 I'm following AWS Elastic Beanstalk's Flask tutorial to deploy the sample application. Though I get error Your requirements.txt is invalid - in full as below. I google for this error though I get no helpful solution for me. My requirements.txt file is pasted in below sections. And I'm using Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 As you may succeed the deployment following the tutorial, please share. Thank you. Error ERROR: Your requirements.txt is invalid. Snapshot your logs for details. ERROR: [Instance: i

HTTPS/SSL Issues on AWS Elastic Beanstalk Multicontainer Docker Configuration

橙三吉。 提交于 2021-02-19 05:57:21
问题 I have this Multidocker configuration, my HTTP traffic works fine no any problems, however, I get 408 every time I try to use https { "AWSEBDockerrunVersion": 2, "containerDefinitions": [ { "name": "users-managment", "image": "....", "essential": true, "memory": 256, "portMappings": [ { "hostPort": 3000, "containerPort": 3000 } ], "environment": [ { "name": "PORT", "value": "3000" } ], "mountPoints": [] }, { "name": "presence", "image": "...ecr", "essential": true, "memory": 256,

Spring-boot and aws elastic beanstalk: Following services are not running: application-web-1

梦想与她 提交于 2021-02-19 01:09:36
问题 I am trying to deploy spring-boot web application to aws elastic beanstalk. i have added .elasticbeanstalk/config.yml file in the root folder and also with server port 5000. But after I create new application with elastic beanstalk with Java i am getting this error: Following services are not running: application-web-1 Thanks in advance 来源:

Spring-boot and aws elastic beanstalk: Following services are not running: application-web-1

霸气de小男生 提交于 2021-02-19 01:06:08
问题 I am trying to deploy spring-boot web application to aws elastic beanstalk. i have added .elasticbeanstalk/config.yml file in the root folder and also with server port 5000. But after I create new application with elastic beanstalk with Java i am getting this error: Following services are not running: application-web-1 Thanks in advance 来源:

Why I get ElasticBeanstalk::ExternalInvocationError?

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2021-02-18 22:10:42
问题 My app is built on RubyOnRails and its deployed as an elastic beanstalk app using passenger, I am trying to add headers to nginx server and restart it, here is my config file, a script from .ebextensions folder in aws elastic beanstalk: packages: yum: nginx: [] files: "/etc/nginx/conf.d/webapp.conf" : mode: "000644" owner: root group: root content: | server { location /assets { alias /var/app/current/public/assets; gzip_static on; gzip on; expires max; add_header Cache-Control public; }

Elastic Beanstalk: log task customization on Amazon Linux 2 platforms

血红的双手。 提交于 2021-02-18 10:18:11
问题 I'm wondering how to do log task customization in the new Elastic Beanstalk platform (the one based on Amazon Linux 2). Specifically, I'm comparing: Old : Single-container Docker running on 64bit Amazon Linux/2.14.3 New : Single-container Docker running on 64bit Amazon Linux 2/3.0.0 (My question actually has nothing to do with Docker as such, I'm speculating the problem exist for any of the new Elastic Beanstalk platforms). Previously I could follow Amazon's recipe, meaning put a file into

AWS Elastic Beanstalk gives “could not translate host name ”db“ to address” error

一世执手 提交于 2021-02-16 18:59:07
问题 I've been trying to deploy my docker consisted of Django, Postgresql and Nginx. It works fine when I do sudo docker-compose up However when deploy it on AWS EB, it gives me could not translate host name "db" to address: Name or service not known What I've done is I pushed my docker to docker hub using sudo docker build -t myname/dockername -f Dockerfile . and I simply do eb deploy File Structure myproject myproject ... Dockerfile requirements

AWS Elastic Beanstalk gives “could not translate host name ”db“ to address” error

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2021-02-16 18:57:12
问题 I've been trying to deploy my docker consisted of Django, Postgresql and Nginx. It works fine when I do sudo docker-compose up However when deploy it on AWS EB, it gives me could not translate host name "db" to address: Name or service not known What I've done is I pushed my docker to docker hub using sudo docker build -t myname/dockername -f Dockerfile . and I simply do eb deploy File Structure myproject myproject ... Dockerfile requirements