
R shiny: Add weblink to actionButton

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-11-30 08:33:15
I have a box in my shiny application that has a button included within a shiny dashboard box like this: shiny::fluidRow( shinydashboard::box(title = "Intro Page", "Some description...", shiny::actionButton(inputId='ab1', label="Learn More", icon = icon("th")) ) ) I want to include a weblink in the button such that when I click on it, it should open the corresponding webpage in a new tab. I know that I can do this instead: # this does not create a submit button though, it just creates a link. tags$div(class = "submit", tags$a(href = "", "Learn More", target="_blank") ) But with

Use href infobox as actionbutton

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-11-30 07:32:08
问题 I was building an App with Rshiny . I have a couple of infoBox and I would like to use the href option to make a pop-up when clicking on the infoBox . I use shinyBS for the popup options. here is what i tried : valueBox(value=entry_01, icon = icon("users","fa-lg",lib="font-awesome"),href=shinyInput(actionLink,id='button_01',len=1,class="btn btn-default action-button",label=""), width=NULL,color = "light-blue",subtitle = "" ) But I figured out that the href option work perfectly if we want to

R shiny: Add weblink to actionButton

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-11-29 11:46:07
问题 I have a box in my shiny application that has a button included within a shiny dashboard box like this: shiny::fluidRow( shinydashboard::box(title = "Intro Page", "Some description...", shiny::actionButton(inputId='ab1', label="Learn More", icon = icon("th")) ) ) I want to include a weblink in the button such that when I click on it, it should open the corresponding webpage in a new tab. I know that I can do this instead: # this does not create a submit button though, it just creates a link.