
ack-grep: chars escaping

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-18 14:09:08
问题 My goal is to find all " <?= " occurrences with ack. How can I do that? ack "<?=" Doesn't work. Please tell me how can I fix escaping here? 回答1: Since ack uses Perl regular expressions, your problem stems from the fact that in Perl RegEx language, ? is a special character meaning "last match is optional". So what you are grepping for is = preceded by an optional < So you need to escape the ? if that's just meant to be a regular character. To escape, there are two approaches - either <\?= or <

TCP 的那些事儿

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-18 10:51:57
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> TCP 的那些事儿(上) TCP是一个巨复杂的协议,因为他要解决很多问题,而这些问题又带出了很多子问题和阴暗面。所以学习TCP本身是个比较痛苦的过程,但对于学习的过程却能让人有很多收获。关于TCP这个协议的细节,我还是推荐你去看W.Richard Stevens的《TCP/IP 详解 卷1:协议》(当然,你也可以去读一下RFC793以及后面N多的RFC)。另外,本文我会使用英文术语,这样方便你通过这些英文关键词来查找相关的技术文档。 之所以想写这篇文章,目的有三个: 一个是想锻炼一下自己是否可以用简单的篇幅把这么复杂的TCP协议描清楚的能力。 另一个是觉得现在的好多码农基本上不会认认真真地读本书,喜欢快餐文化,所以,希望这篇快餐文章可以让你对TCP这个古典技术有所了解,并能体会到软件设计中的种种难处。并且你可以从中有一些软件设计上的收获。 最重要的希望这些基础知识可以让你搞清很多以前一些似是而非的东西,并且你能意识到基础的重要。 所以,本文不会面面俱到,只是对TCP协议、算法和原理的科普。 我本来只想写一个篇幅的文章的,但是TCP真TMD的复杂,比C++复杂多了,这30多 Year来,各种优化变种争论和修改。所以,写着写着就发现只有砍成两篇: 上篇中,主要向你介绍TCP协议的定义和丢包时的重传机制。 下篇中

How do I run programs with Strawberry Perl?

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-17 22:58:06
问题 A coworker is trying to use ack (a Perl program) on his Windows machine, having tried it under Linux and decided he definitely wants to use it. He managed to get Strawberry Perl installed on his machine, but can't seem to figure out what to do to make ack run with it from a command prompt. He tried editing the #! line, but I knew that wouldn't work. I'm pretty sure Strawberry perl is in his PATH. What do you need to do to run a general Perl program in your PATH on Windows using Strawberry?

Ignoring sub-directories in .ackrc

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-14 00:18:51
问题 I'd like to get my .ackrc configured so ack doesn't look inside my test/coverage folder. So far I've ended up with this : --ignore-dir=coverage This works, but it doesn't feel quite as right as : --ignore-dir=test/coverage Problem is the latter doesn't work and test/coverage content is searched. Am I missing something or is ack not prepared to deal with subdirectories ? 回答1: The ack changelog explicity mentions this as a feature, supported since ack 1.93_02. Quote: "The --ignore-dir option

Find files where 2 given words occur in

久未见 提交于 2019-12-13 00:23:20
问题 (How) Can I find files where there are occurrences of 2 words in that same file, say Peter and James ? Is it possible with ack-grep ? 回答1: You can just grep twice: grep -l Peter * | xargs grep -l James The same works with ack : ack -l Peter * | xargs ack -l James You can replace the * with whatever other file list you might care about, or use find to generate a list for you. 来源:

Commit modified files only using subversion

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-12 20:35:03
问题 I have a long list of commits to make and, as such, would like to stagger the commits. So, when I do: svn st | ack '^M' I would like to commit these files only Is this possible through the command line? 回答1: The xargs command is useful for this kind of thing. Assuming you don't have any filenames containing space characters, you can do: svn st | sed -n 's/^M//p' | xargs svn commit If you do have space characters in filenames, the sed command becomes a little more complex, to add quotes around

Using ack, how do you display one page at a time?

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-11 10:49:50
问题 I would like to use ack and have the results shown one page at a time. I've already tried to pipe it to |more, but this removes the color formatting. I would like to keep the colors intact. 回答1: if you read man page of ack, you will see there is an option --pager for your needs. for example: ack --color --pager=more .... 回答2: Add --color to your call to ack. 来源:

Is it possible to add a -G option to ~/.ackrc

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-10 20:05:22
问题 When I do ack -G "^.*$" "foo" I get results... but when I put -G "^.*$" or -G="^.*$" or -G "^.*$" in my `~/.ackrc/ I get no results... Does anyone know if -G can be used in ackrc? 回答1: It's a quoting problem. When executed on the command line: $ ack -G="^.*$" ack actually sees the following command line option (after quote processing by the shell) -G=^.*$ without the quotes. Since the ~/.ackrc file is read without shell quote processing, place the above line without quotes into ~/.ackrc .

Multiple patterns with ack-grep?

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-10 13:34:35
问题 Is it possible (and how) to chain patterns with ack (ack-grep on some distributions of Linux) like I'm used to with grep? e.g. grep "foo" somefile.c | grep -v "bar" match all lines with "foo" but without "bar". 回答1: ack uses Perl regular expressions, and those allow lookahead assertions: ^(?!.*bar).*foo.*$ will match a line that contains foo but doesn't contain bar . I'm not familiar with the usage of ack , but something like this should work: ack '^(?!.*bar).*foo.*$' myfile 来源: https:/

让人崩溃的豌豆荚(太2了)---ADB server didn&apos;t ACK的解决方法

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-07 16:07:04
这两天买了一部手机,所以安装了豌豆荚,昨天运行程序还没问题,但是今天运行的时候老是报 ADB server didn't ACK ......启动失败,提示让我重启eclipse还有adb 我的操作时将这两者 都重启 了,可是-------------- 不管用 然后继续搜呗,找到一篇内容如下 5037端口被占用的话,也会出现如下提示…… 于是乎,真像是找到了救命稻草一般,先在命令行中输入如下指令,查看5037这个端口现在是被谁占用了: netstat -a -o 5037 然后得到如下的一个结果,还真被占用了哦: 那这个4792在我机器上,到底是个什么进程呢,好的,接着输入以下命令,把真凶找出来: tasklist /fi "pid eq 4792" 然后,额。。TNN 。。。居然真的是-----> 豌豆荚 : 所以在任务管理器中将这个进程关闭 然后重启了Eclipse,接着,点击Run,程序就像以前一样,自动打开模拟器并加载了。此问题虽然不是很严重,但是从网络上每位遇到此问题的同学来看,大部分人还没遇到过我这个问题,所以记录在这里,希望能够帮助到大家。 来源: oschina 链接: