由于个人有强迫倾向,下载软件都喜欢从官网下载,摸索了好久终于摸清楚怎么从Apache官网下载windows安装版的Apache服务器了,现在分享给大家。 进入apache服务器官网,这里我们以下载稳定版的 httpd 2.2.29为例,点击download。 由于官方网页改版,以前的方式可能五法进行下载,为了不浪费大家的时间,特此修正2015-01-24\ 第一步依旧是点击download 点击链接Files for 3 Microsoft Windows The Apache HTTP Server Project itself does not provide binary releases of softwar e, only source code. Individual committers may provide binary packages as a con venience, but it is not a release deliverable. If you cannot compile the Apache HTTP Server yourself, you can obtain a binary p ackage from numerous binary distributions available on