I´ve been looking for answers and just lost the sight in all the different ones here. I am bulding a...
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Now, I have a problem. I create Form login and connect to Database by entity framework. I creae Stor...
- 1265 浏览
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I\'m using a middleware to get the currently logged in user in my views and models. This helps me to...
- 1641 浏览
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I keep username at firestore like Users > username > username:username, mail:mail I am using email, ...
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In Spring, the two following statements are, if I\'m not mistaken, identical: @RequestParam(\type\)...
- 1784 浏览
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im having some trouble converting my .htaccess code to a web.config format I tried using this online...
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I\'m tring to make a signature token for Redsys, but the encription methods that i found where all i...
- 949 浏览
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I\'m developing optimizations for my 3D calculations and I now have: a \plain\ version using the s...
- 1680 浏览
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I have a problem with Python Selenium WebDriverWait. I was able to write few lines of code in order ...
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My JSON is: [ { \distance\:32, \stationCode\:\MIG\, \name\:\Midghat\, \p...
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I am thinking about having two separate alarms to gather a user\'s location data every hour, one tha...
- 1465 浏览
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I\'m new in Xcode and in Swift language. I\'m trying to understand the usage of the \import\ in View...
- 1398 浏览
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How the data of current Form.Item is propagated to its children component, I have code something lik...
- 1700 浏览
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I have wrote following controller: @RequestMapping(value=\/logOut\, method = RequestMethod.GET ) ...
- 1757 浏览
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I have just updated my ELK-Stack to 7.9.1 from 7.0.1 (using apt) System: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS Besides ...
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