I am using Ubuntu 12.04 Beta and Vim that has come with it. I am trying to use Vim to copy the conte...
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I\'ve a data frame with 100+ columns. cor() returns remarkably quickly, but tells me far too much, e...
- 869 浏览
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Accent http://www.msn.com/en-in/weather/todu New-Delhi, Delhi,india/we city-28.608,77 201?isomIN 2 C...
- 851 浏览
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So I\'m trying to make this accordion and right now it maps through my data and essentially shows al...
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- 937 浏览
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I am developing an Android app. Basically it is a WebView and a progressBar. Facebook\'s mobile site...
- 1679 浏览
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How do you convert an IPython notebook file (json with .ipynb extension) into a regular .py module?
- 2188 浏览
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Is there a way with the jquery datatables plugin to hide (and show) a table column? I figured out h...
- 1339 浏览
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Given I have an array of \purpose\ objects: //array of purpose objects: var purposeObjects = [ ...
- 2050 浏览
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the scrolltop of page is changed when i move scroll a little and hide element. (if scrolltop is 0, i...
- 338 浏览
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I want to import data from an Excel file - assume Excel 2003 / .xls - to Sql Server 2008. Have trie...
- 929 浏览
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I\'m trying to use the new feature added in iOS 8 - hiding the navigation bar while user is scrollin...
- 869 浏览
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I\'m making a graphical interface with Qt Designer and PyQt5. The top line of my interface (Line Edi...
- 1661 浏览
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I tried to install Ruby 2.0. My command line urped and now looks like the following: -bash: __git_p...
- 936 浏览
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So vitepress is a early WIP and there is currently not much in the way of documentation. I\'m curiou...
- 1493 浏览
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