When pressing a button the user need to choose a file location (Pick a folder) to save a file. How c...
- 1691 浏览
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im pretty new at programming and im working on a little game i am working right know on a crouch fun...
- 1321 浏览
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I\'m looking for a place where I can host my portfolio and a couple of projects to show. Would githu...
- 1322 浏览
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I have a button that must show a popup window. And the popup window must be aligned with the right s...
- 422 浏览
- 2 回答
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Recently, I use several dense layers for a regression task. I use the SELU activations with lecun_no...
- 624 浏览
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So I have spent a little time looking around for an answer to this question. I want to upload data f...
- 1960 浏览
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I need a way to implement some sort of authentication (user/password) to the swupdate web interface,...
- 350 浏览
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i have admob account with another email id and play console account with another email. Now there ar...
- 1406 浏览
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I am currently developing an Android application which makes use of the SQLite database. I am lookin...
- 1349 浏览
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Write a program that picks up an unlimited series of numbers that ends in the number 0 and prints th...
- 785 浏览
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my code: import pandas as pd import numpy as np m = pd.read_excel(\'data/global_superstore.xlsx\') p...
- 634 浏览
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Scenario: I have installed opsmanager database in one instance and application in other instance Tak...
- 742 浏览
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How do I emit to socket.io on a different domain name/server via php? I used to use Wisembly/elephan...
- 1900 浏览
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I\'m working on an iPhone game that uses an MKMapView as the playfield. After only a couple of minut...
- 556 浏览
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I am trying to build a two party calling application using WebRTC. My design is On a non mobile dev...
- 1839 浏览
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