There is a library for JodaTime that provides Hibernate persistence. Recently I started looking at J...
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I\'m developing a video game in Unity and I have come across a vector mathematics problem designing ...
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this code outputs the console log output two times and i cannot understand why. anyone have an idea ...
- 1208 浏览
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I have an annotation showing in mapkit with a custom image, showing fine, but the annotation shows...
- 1832 浏览
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there is network folder contains subfolders and excel files. 5 (domain)users can access this folder ...
- 1943 浏览
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I am playing around with Tasks, Async and await in my WorkerRole (RoleEntryPoint). I had some unexp...
- 627 浏览
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In d3.js you can set an x axis to use d3.time.scale() then set x.domain([start_date, end_date]) and ...
- 571 浏览
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Im looking for a little help to complete my SwiperJS implementation to replace other sliders on my s...
- 1347 浏览
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Configured DynamoDB related database in Standalone-full-ha.xml file in JBOSS 7.3.0 Included below li...
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how do i get flight order api approved?
- 626 浏览
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I found an algorithm from a Github Repo and it can neatly validate IPv4 but it fails when it comes t...
- 389 浏览
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I have a Annotation called @Retention( RetentionPolicy.SOURCE ) @Target( ElementType.METHOD ) publ...
- 1227 浏览
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In other words, is the following \cursoring\ approach guaranteed to work: retrieve rows from DB sa...
- 1220 浏览
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I try understand how it`s work. In that example, author buuild client - server viedeo chat app that...
- 937 浏览
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Got my CentOS 8 VPS, login as root and want to run the command curl install.meteor.com | /bin/sh but...
- 1139 浏览
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