so I am trying to make a small script that allows me to remove a file using apple scripts. My curren...
- 1367 浏览
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When I set the background color, there\'s a white highlight around the text. How do I fix this? 1 Th...
- 1240 浏览
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The main purpose of this question is to know what is the best option to choose between PNG and JPG f...
- 2214 浏览
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I\'m a begginer in programming and new to everything. I am trying to use the Mac terminal to run my ...
- 1760 浏览
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Is that true that you can\'t customize the name of your CMakeLists.txt file? I read in a few places ...
- 1222 浏览
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I\'m a beginner in MySQL, and I accidentally created a table with a column named (price decimal(2,...
- 1437 浏览
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I am making a small program which requires an image file foo.bmp to run so i can compile the program...
- 672 浏览
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I\'m aware of How can I check out a GitHub pull request? While adding fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:ref...
- 2310 浏览
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I have windows 10 and I installed Debian Linux in that through Hyper-V. Until the recent Windows fea...
- 511 浏览
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I am trying to create a conversion tracking pixel. I have a PHP file cookie.php on the tracking doma...
- 529 浏览
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I have trouble with importing CreateMLUI in the PlayGround. macOS Big Sur 11.1 Xcode 12.4 (12D4e)...
- 1518 浏览
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How Can i get weather data for each minute per day and if not available , how can i forecast weather...
- 769 浏览
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How would I get last week Wednesday and next week Wednesday\'s date in C#: public Form1() { Init...
- 1683 浏览
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I tried to make html page with javascript to play sound on mouse over but when I tried the code on f...
- 1637 浏览
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I have a variable packet of type DatagramPacket. While packet.getAddress().toString() results in a S...
- 726 浏览
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