I have single sign on working beautifully, but single sign-out is not working. The scenario is like...
- 1884 浏览
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I\'m having a problem with QT regarding multiple enheritance because of QObject. I know that a lot o...
- 538 浏览
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SOLVED ! Huge thank to Sam Leach Here is a sample of my working app.config file: ... ...
- 603 浏览
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In my User profile model I\'ve included a show_email field explicitly. So, to add this feature to my...
- 651 浏览
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My code is something like this: var trueOrFalse = true; while(trueOrFalse){ fetch(\'some/addres...
- 1489 浏览
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I am using spark sql to run my queries. And I want to see output as CSV. I tried following options. ...
- 1215 浏览
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According to Rails engines extending functionality in Rails 2.x one could do Rails::Initializer.new...
- 779 浏览
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Right now I\'m learning about the CakePHP framework, and I just wanted to know what makes CakePHP se...
- 833 浏览
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A have an azure webrole with a test page and a service in that role. After publishing the role it do...
- 1990 浏览
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I have the following json string: [ { Key:A, Value:null }, { Key:B, ...
- 884 浏览
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I can\'t run my code using GPU. import tensorflow as tf #tf.disable_v2_behavior() print(Num GPUs Av...
- 1145 浏览
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I am beginning to delve deeper into Perl, but am having trouble writing \Perl-ly\ code instead of wr...
- 2258 浏览
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I know how to implement touchesBegan for UIImageView is it possible to implement UITouchDown for UI...
- 1992 浏览
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I\'m using material-ui icons, and I would like to add a different icon for each array object shown b...
- 1577 浏览
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This is my VBA but the picture is very small, how can I resize? It comes out very blurry and it is v...
- 1919 浏览
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