version flink(1.11.3), kafka(2.1.1) My flink datapipeline is kafka(source) -> flink -> kafka(sink). ...
- 1829 浏览
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I am trying to detect the bird in the image. But when I mark the points where the intensity > 150 it...
- 1611 浏览
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The code I tried is as follows: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np #to store coordi...
- 1506 浏览
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I have a problem with converting flowfile to xml. So i using ConvertRecord processor to convert Avro...
- 1052 浏览
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I start the following .py which create socket and wait for a connection: def get_tweets(): url =...
- 1269 浏览
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In NEXT project, API Routes let you create an API endpoint inside a Next.js app. You can do so by cr...
- 333 浏览
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I want json code and also how to convert that json data to html table. Importantly how to covert the...
- 1832 浏览
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I need to create a PDF which will hold the report of execution status, where the status would be in ...
- 1269 浏览
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I have a folder with 50 large .asc type files each with size ~2.5Gb. These contains data from CAN si...
- 986 浏览
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i added Edit Text dynamically but not get values ,get values for last Edit Text . please help me......
- 1988 浏览
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A really simple question here. How do you create a view like this? It has to
- 556 浏览
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I would like to ask how to use the vnclog option in the vncdotool module. I already read the documen...
- 1174 浏览
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Assume I have the following code: #include #include #include int num1 = 0; int main(int argc, ...
- 716 浏览
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I\'m trying to render an video from OpenCV using OpenGL with the following vertices and indices: sta...
- 1681 浏览
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I\'m having some confusion understanding immutable and mutable sets from Listing 3.5 in the Programm...
- 1140 浏览
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