Hi I\'m trying to pass an antiforgerytoken to MVC asp.net from an ajax call, I tried the call on its...
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Hello there I\'m currently making a discord bot in python and i get these errors : Click to see phot...
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My code is not reading the file I want it to. Yes, I am using ./a.out < filename to run it, still it...
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I\'m trying to save some objects locally so when I close my application and disconnect from my Wi-Fi...
- 392 浏览
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I am getting {error:invalid_client,error_description:client authentication failed} 401 response. I d...
- 548 浏览
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I have this: import time keys = [\'trophies\', \'anagrams\', \'parado\', \'impishness\', \'sphering...
- 791 浏览
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I\'m implementing a fairly standard app with the Android sdk that involves drawing using the Surface...
- 875 浏览
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The following link provides two options to install PWSH on windows, MSI, and Zip: https://github.com...
- 1067 浏览
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C++ requires that an OutputIterator type X support expressions of the form r++, where r is an instan...
- 2063 浏览
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How do I know when an Observable producer is async or sync? An sync example: Observable.of([1, 2, ...
- 1188 浏览
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i have followed the article : https://jonascheng.github.io/aws/2016/05/19/cognito-with-unauthenticat...
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So, what I\'m trying to achieve is to map the tables I have in my postgres database to django models...
- 1716 浏览
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The code below is working but is extremely slow. Any ideas on how to make it more efficient? \'\'\' ...
- 797 浏览
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I have a reference to System.Data in my windows service project. I keep getting the Exception : ...
- 1864 浏览
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I have a large dataset: 20,000 x 40,000 as a numpy array. I have saved it as a pickle file. Instead...
- 1766 浏览
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