I am relatively new to the Spring Framework and Spring security. I have used a custom authenticatio...
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I have a .txt file where I need to get rid of the last line feed. Looking at the file in a HEX Edito...
- 1800 浏览
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There is a method listOffset in KafkaAdmin API from 2.5.0 version. This method can return offset by ...
- 767 浏览
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How can I prevent prettier from adding line breaks to the beginning of my .then() and .catch() state...
- 1435 浏览
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angular.json assets: use wildcard as name I would like to include assets in my build while utilizing...
- 516 浏览
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I have implemented Google Maps successfully in my App. I have to implement Marker Clustering for Xam...
- 1208 浏览
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Suppose I have two modules, x and y. x: import random a = [] a.append(random.randint(1,100) y: from...
- 1475 浏览
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I tried to use leafletTimeDimension into react but I wanna convert it into react hooks to be easy to...
- 1286 浏览
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I have searched for answers but the ones I have found I can\'t get working. I have a database writte...
- 710 浏览
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What is the best way to stop an attacker from triggering a Cloud Function repeatedly, causing a huge...
- 807 浏览
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I\'m sure not the first one to run into this, but I couldn\'t find any good example patterns. When ...
- 1891 浏览
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In Scala, I am incredibly confused by this fairly tautological error message: java.lang.ClassCastEx...
- 470 浏览
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I want to achieve something like this in kotlin. I have seen people do the same thing on Java. How d...
- 1369 浏览
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This is my adapter.class i want to retrieve the latitude and longitude in firebase by clicking in th...
- 1762 浏览
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Ok, As far as I understand we can use the f-score to select the best algorithm for our classificatio...
- 1086 浏览
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