I have a very basic question on clustering. After I have found k clusters with their centroids, how ...
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The Titan documentation says that: Mixed indexes support ordering natively and efficiently. Howe...
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I\'m writing a Swing application that needs to function either as an applet in a browser or as a sta...
- 2080 浏览
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I\'m making the Towers of Hanoi. It should work like this: you click on the first tower, from wher...
- 645 浏览
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I\'m searching for a pattern for the following behavior: number1-number2 number1: Can be everything...
- 1342 浏览
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I have one viewcontroller in application that supports landscape and portrait orientations. On a b...
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I\'m having trouble carrying out analysis of my data. I\'m trying to test whether the \'median\' val...
- 1922 浏览
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I have a Cassandra table with schema: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TestTable( documentId text, ...
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I have: And then:
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So i am trying to export somethings in a project to DLL. Anyways a few of the projects use a singlet...
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#include #include #define N 3 void sort(char* ptr[N]) { char * temp = NULL; int i, j; ...
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I want to check the header and footer on a Excel sheet, and replace all the ocurrences of a given st...
- 1074 浏览
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I am trying to do app, where you have 3 SeekBars and under them, there are 3 TextFields, which are s...
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I want to retrieve all the entries from core data added between two dates.I am using NSPredicate. A...
- 926 浏览
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I\'m new to jQuery (a couple of weeks). I\'m trying to nest the jQueryUI tab control. It works fine ...
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