I got this script to check the length of the users in my firebase realtime database: data() { ...
- 752 浏览
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I am a bit confused about the pros and cons of using .git/info/exclude and .gitignore to exclude fil...
- 822 浏览
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I have a script, which overwrites daily a Google Drive file (Google Spreadsheet) with new data. On o...
- 1149 浏览
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While learning about java memory profiling, I keep seeing the term \perm space\ in addition to \heap...
- 1756 浏览
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I\'m making camera preview (for qr reader) and I would like to have fixed rectagle on the midle of S...
- 1586 浏览
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For the Intel architectures, is there a way to instruct the GCC compiler to generate code that alway...
- 1580 浏览
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I\'m not yet very familiar with Webpack, but to my understanding, all builds should include a webpac...
- 1415 浏览
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I\'ve seen it used in programming (specifically in the C++ domain) and have no idea what it is. Pres...
- 864 浏览
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For what purposes are we using Model View Projection Matrix? Why do shaders require Model View Proje...
- 471 浏览
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I\'m working to a chat application with Bigtable as a storage platform, and I want for each conversa...
- 1549 浏览
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I wanted to ask if it is possible if private objects of my parent class can be inherited by my subcl...
- 1694 浏览
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I understand why log4net uses app.config files for setting up logging - so you can easily change how...
- 1128 浏览
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If I have a function that needs to work with a shared_ptr, wouldn\'t it be more efficient to pass it...
- 1556 浏览
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How do I implement context menu for RecyclerView? Apparently calling registerForContextMenu(recycler...
- 2575 浏览
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I am extremely new to vba/macros but so far I have one macro working. I want 2 macros, one I can exp...
- 1844 浏览
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