I am working on Firebase image upload to storage. This code is working fine and image is uploaded wh...
- 1242 浏览
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I have already coded using the System.Speech.Recognition namespace and use a XML SRGS file for gramm...
- 492 浏览
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I used to add custom interfaces/types into my xxx.d.ts in order to extend/create new type for public...
- 774 浏览
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AWS comes with an updated service quotas https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/l...
- 1375 浏览
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I\'m adapting the following code (created via advice in this question), that took an XML file and it...
- 945 浏览
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I am writing a .NET Core application that downloads files from an URL. After downloading the file, I...
- 1805 浏览
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I have a Blazor Server app (.net5) that uses Microsoft.Identity.Web to sign users into AzureAD. Thi...
- 1665 浏览
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I have a Node app interacting with a Mongo database. When running on the old setup or locally on Mon...
- 953 浏览
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So I\'m getting frames in CV420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange pixel format. That is a bi-planar 4:2:0 thin...
- 1097 浏览
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I\'m trying the light an LED (on port c, pin 13) on STM32F103C8T6. I\'m not using IDE. Code: #inclu...
- 897 浏览
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Consider the below Id Nums 1 10 2 20 3 30 4 40 5 50 The expected output Id CurrentVa...
- 848 浏览
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Using webpack 5 to build vue projects throws the error: Error: module property was removed from Depe...
- 1578 浏览
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I have a simple opencv program to save a video from my USB camera. Camera has few supported resoluti...
- 1085 浏览
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hello guys im trying with online/offline system: backend: var userCount = 0; var onlineuserList = []...
- 2023 浏览
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the way you can get firebase logged in user info is getUserInfo() { this.angFireAuth.authStat...
- 919 浏览
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