I have a simple Rails ujs app, with some remote links on the page. In m
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I have been googling and reading various posts around the net and I\'ve tried: git filter-branch --...
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I am using the map function of the purrr package in R which gives as output a list. Now I would like...
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I\'m a little confused about how arguments are passed between Subclasses and Superclasses in Python....
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How to fetch last inserted id? CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `sp_insertzonemsg` (...
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I have an HTML drop-down form that isn\'t working, so I just changed it to buttons to test (I am ver...
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Does typecasting in C/C++ result in extra CPU cycles? My understanding is that is should consume ex...
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I am working on a simple bash script to download images from the website Tumblr. The idea is to use ...
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After installing Django, I install virtual environment by using the command - pip3 install virtualen...
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I am using jersey for my project and tring to parse a URI from a string. UriBuilder.fromUri(\http:/...
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I have a simple text file with several thousands of words, each in its own line, e.g. aardvark hell...
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Hi I have a UITabBarController in XCode 4.5 as the root controller with many tabs I need to change t...
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I have an input field where user will enter a phone number and next click a button which will genera...
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I have a form with the following inputs:
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class Parent () { private int a; private final int b = a + 1; // a is null at that point }...
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