Hello I search a solution for my problem .I want from a servlet to open a pop-up and continue proce...
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I created a widget for my app. If I run the app and then add the widget in the simulator it does not...
- 998 浏览
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- 1598 浏览
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I wrote a class to create an automated connection with MySQL and create queries. Here\'s how it look...
- 1271 浏览
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I have 3 tables in a chain, the top one being a \'corridor\' @Entity, the bottom being \'segment\' @...
- 334 浏览
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I am trying to make a program to send a sms. I wrote the program but doesn\'t successfully send the ...
- 1757 浏览
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can anyone help me with this please? I try to run react-native run-android but there is an error Fai...
- 1715 浏览
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How to specify a local path for a dependency package in setup.py the install_requires key my_workspa...
- 1070 浏览
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I have a python script that needs to call the defined $EDITOR or $VISUAL. When the Python script is ...
- 648 浏览
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Hey, I am looking for a good way to connect to at least 2 databases in mysql using php and gathering...
- 1004 浏览
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When subprocess.run() with capture_output=True or subprocess.check_output was used, the compiled exe...
- 1050 浏览
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In this book I read that each instance of the Thread class is actually allocating a kernel object - ...
- 681 浏览
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The short story? I am trying to point one of my purchased domains (ex: quarri.com) to one of my sub...
- 1962 浏览
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I have 2 classes Student.java public class Student { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.I...
- 973 浏览
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This is a fairly open-ended question, and I\'m just looking for the best possible avenue. Users can...
- 1673 浏览
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