Am struggling from past 3 days to rotate non front face inti front face. Does anyone know of transfo...
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I have a list of event objects with eventId, actvityName and timeStamp. Each case of an event consis...
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I want to know if it is possible to have a blocking queue kind of implementation with Nginx. Basical...
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The behaviour of the delete operator seems very complicated and there are many misunderstandings abo...
- 971 浏览
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I am working on a small intranet site for a small company, where user should be able to post. I have...
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- 1100 浏览
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I try to create a tcp client in vue.js. I use this code below. but it gives to me error. that error ...
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@client.command() @commands.has_permissions(kick_members = True) async def warn(self,ctx,member = di...
- 396 浏览
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I have three methods that I call to do some number crunching that are as follows results.LeftFront....
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Reserving a huge amount of virtual memory is sometimes useful to improve the execution speed or the ...
- 1433 浏览
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If I have a .csv that looks a bit like this (names and places have been changed to protect the innoc...
- 634 浏览
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I have been researching, but I couldnt find exact solution for my problem. I have been trying to get...
- 709 浏览
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The my program below(which is in two parts) works if I run them separately – that is, if I paste th...
- 721 浏览
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I want to run a shell script every time my nginx server receives any HTTP request. Any simple ways t...
- 532 浏览
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I have a screen that contains a tab. I want to move to the sections of the screen through the tabs. ...
- 462 浏览
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