i m using shared preference but in another activity i cant access the variable of another activity.t...
- 936 浏览
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I have requirement to use common css file for 3 different angular project. My Project structure is a...
- 1497 浏览
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- 928 浏览
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I\'m doing an svn diff on one of my files and svn is detecting it as a binary type. The file is read...
- 2008 浏览
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I want to check if a checkbox just got unchecked, when a user clicks on it. The reason for this is b...
- 422 浏览
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I\'m working with Leaflet- a mapping library, and I\'m trying to renders an SVG line that indicates ...
- 1962 浏览
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I have a UICollectionViewController that using a standard UICollectionViewFlowLayout to display a si...
- 527 浏览
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I added a user module to my project and I used the default Django user model for that. I\'ve to chan...
- 1481 浏览
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I have a dependency com.somecompany.somelib in my maven module which is required. I have classes in ...
- 351 浏览
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I\'m generating a PDF in Ruby on Rails (5) and everything works fine except for a page where I want ...
- 1580 浏览
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Is it possible to have an optional 2-value array as argument? I would like to pass min and max decim...
- 948 浏览
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I want to make a MessageBox confirmation. Here is the message box: MessageBox.Show(\Do you want to ...
- 1237 浏览
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I\'m using AgmMap in an Angular 7 application. How can I make the map disabled, grayed out, while da...
- 1546 浏览
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I am trying to use Netmiko to authenticate using a private/public key pair with a Cisco Router. Cisc...
- 385 浏览
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I am having trouble is this marriage of 2 seemingly powerful frameworks. It seems most things that c...
- 514 浏览
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