The kick command in the discord bot I made is not working. I used the -kick @user command to do so....
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I am new to Go programming language and every tutorial starts off from setting GOPATH to current pro...
- 356 浏览
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How do I define text field as required (with red border) in Twitter Bootstrap 3? required=\required...
- 633 浏览
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I\'m typing an equation into a TextBox that will generate the graph of the given parabola. Is it pos...
- 1860 浏览
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I know that php has md5(), sha1(), and the hash() functions, but I want to create a hash using the M...
- 1632 浏览
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How can I create a legend informing that the red cross is the mean? ggplot(results, aes(x=factor, y...
- 2055 浏览
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I am working to build a Python script to communicate with an EtherNet/IP device (Graco PD2K spray sy...
- 1034 浏览
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I\'ve setup an App Clip launch experience using an iPhone 7 running iOS 14.2 and built using Xcode 1...
- 1705 浏览
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scala> (1 to 10).iterator.map{_ * 2}.toList res1: List[Int] = List(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 2...
- 759 浏览
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No matter how long i train it, the accuracy is still pretty low and the loss isn\'t decreasing. inpu...
- 1213 浏览
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I\'m a user of visual studio code on linux that my configuration : Electron: 9.2.1 Chrome: 83.0.4103...
- 1941 浏览
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as I asked in this question\'s title. I wanted to experiment with Discord API in Javascript and erro...
- 1093 浏览
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I\'m currently successfully using cognitoUser.authenticateUser on the backend to authenticate users....
- 1377 浏览
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I need some way for the parent process to communicate with each child separately. I have some child...
- 796 浏览
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So I have 2 csv files. The first one is SortedPower.csv which has ID, Stat, Level, Power, Level_Area...
- 1177 浏览
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