When I run this code: ggplot() + stat_density2d(data = Unit_J, aes(x=X, y=Y, fill=..level.., alp...
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I want to use Retrofit 2.1.0 for my next Android project. I would like to use Design Pattern and the...
- 753 浏览
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when I use fmod(0.6,0.2) in c++ it returns 0.2 I know this is caused by floating point accuracy but...
- 619 浏览
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I have a Facebook sharer URL as: Share I
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How do I go about using an image as a link in php? I have never put two html elements together in on...
- 726 浏览
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I use Python bindings of Qt (PySide or PyQt4). They don\'t have QProxyStyle. I want to change the v...
- 1414 浏览
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I know how to login to firebase and get my data and sort it in array. but I do not know how to keep ...
- 1920 浏览
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In my app there are two targets: Target 1 : MyApp - com.app.myapp Target 2 : MyAppQA - com.app.m...
- 850 浏览
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I would like to replace big switch with something more elegant. class Base { public: Base(void*da...
- 2045 浏览
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In my Python 2.7.2 IDLE interpreter: >>> mylist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> for item in mylist: m...
- 1616 浏览
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I am developing an IOS application with phonegap and need to set local notification for it which wil...
- 812 浏览
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I am using Poi to create Excel workbooks in Java. My raw data comes in as a string. I need to form...
- 1881 浏览
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So right now I am trying to make a command where it retrieves data on a specific blacklisted user. M...
- 539 浏览
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I want to replicate this yaml from kfp sdk in python, or how can i write steps using kfp. apiVersion...
- 1233 浏览
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In mysql, I have a query like: mysql> SELECT user_id, count(user_id) as dup FROM addressbook GROUP ...
- 1717 浏览
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