I want my app to listen to nfc tags only when is activated. For this I tried to register an nfc list...
- 1995 浏览
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I have a string like this: \CA: ABCD\\nCB: ABFG\\nCC: AFBV\\nCD: 4567\ Now \: \ splits key from...
- 987 浏览
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I am developing an application where i need to crop image . But this image croping should happen on ...
- 1193 浏览
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I am designing an app for iPhone and android in which I have to integrate facebook, twitter, yahoo, ...
- 1481 浏览
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rails g spree_i18n:install trace : /home/ubuntu/.rbenv/versions/2.7.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/spre...
- 1545 浏览
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I have a table with test fields, Example id | test1 | test2 | test3 | test4 | t...
- 1410 浏览
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I\'m trying to plot the following 2 vector functions using python:
- 1093 浏览
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I have found a great article adding authentication into react. Article: https://www.robinwieruch.de/...
- 1627 浏览
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I\'m designing a system with REST API. REST API will be implemented using Spring Boot. The system sh...
- 1682 浏览
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The thing is that im trying to use this library for some python proyects and it doesnt import on Net...
- 1887 浏览
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I have a long string with many formatting braces and many double braces that are not for format. I a...
- 627 浏览
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We have a docker-compose based application and running in two servers and can access with server-ip:...
- 1356 浏览
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Why does the file permissions for all my WordPress files are being changed when I clone? The direct...
- 463 浏览
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I have a text file, which has the following content: type=0 alg=1 c=3 5 7 8 10 11 14 15 16 17 arr=(...
- 931 浏览
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With Reference to the solution from: Chromedriver Save as PDF method not working Am having issue in ...
- 1554 浏览
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