Where is the best place to add a method to the integer class in Rails? I\'d like to add a to_meters ...
- 2226 浏览
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Is it possible to efficiently modify the html5 canvas from web assembly? Update: var imageData = ...
- 925 浏览
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In a Vue app there is a generated image . I need to set it\'s height to a half
- 1962 浏览
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I am maybe sorry for stupid question, but I\'ve been googling it for a long time and found no soluti...
- 1010 浏览
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I\'m using Node.js HTTP module to create a server, and I\'m wondering, how do I set the favicon (sho...
- 994 浏览
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I\'m a codenewbie, I\'m trying to create a twitter bot using python3, but in twitter developer it as...
- 1865 浏览
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I have a web app with spring,jsp and jquery in a apache tomcat 6, one jsp page has a form that send ...
- 1598 浏览
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Im trying to delete a row in python however when i try to in python nothing works. However when I tr...
- 1522 浏览
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Accessing class data members from within cuda kernel - how to design proper host/device interaction?
I\'ve been trying to transform some cuda/C code into a more OO code, but my goal doesn\'t seem to be...
- 1311 浏览
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I have a situation where our Angular 10 app which uses Angular Material components is not working pr...
- 923 浏览
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We currently use Log4Net for writing log files - we want to also write to a SQL data base, but I\'m ...
- 869 浏览
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I recently became very suspicious of apps. And a few questions have occupied my mind, please help m...
- 745 浏览
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I have a Visual Studio c++ project where I use the linker Settings /WX (TreatWarningsAsLinkerErrors...
- 1061 浏览
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How to convert from chinese characters to hanyu pinyin? E.g. 你 --> Nǐ 马 --> Mǎ More Inf
- 921 浏览
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I have two data tables that I\'m trying to merge. One is data on company market values through time ...
- 1370 浏览
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