I am working on a text summarization method ,for test my method i have a benchmark called doc 2007 ,...
- 686 浏览
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I have a simple POST request that requires a json Content-Type header and a body like { oneNbr: ...
- 1900 浏览
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I have a Dictionary where the key is the hostname of a machine that writes to a server, and the valu...
- 1464 浏览
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I am currently looking for an alternative to Vpython which does not depend on a browser for it\'s vi...
- 1045 浏览
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I have a string that I Gzip on the server and download to a client using the WebClient class. When I...
- 1478 浏览
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I am working on a very simple attack on a Java program. Let\'s say that someone made a for loop that...
- 495 浏览
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I want to use navigator.clipboard.writeText to copy a link to the clipboard. However, this link must...
- 393 浏览
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I am trying to load a set of shapefiles into R using a loop. I am trying to find a way to name the l...
- 1317 浏览
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First, I need to thank Kent Milligan and his article at http://www.mcpressonline.com/sql/techtip-com...
- 1095 浏览
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I\'m currently working with raspberry pi and using DHT11 to read temperature and humidity values eve...
- 1712 浏览
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I want to call my function every x minutes, so I am using setInterval. But it gives me No overload m...
- 842 浏览
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I am implementing card view through recycler view in android but my card view is not showing up. I a...
- 1214 浏览
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To what extent is python bytecode compatible between releases. I\'m not talking about python2.x to p...
- 2016 浏览
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I am trying to show only 5 items from the datas\' array of objects. I want to 5 items in each page n...
- 1147 浏览
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I\'m building an ASP.NET web service. I\'ve got my code defined as below, but I can\'t figure out...
- 1174 浏览
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