2021-02-20 19:43
在Swift 2 Array Contains object?中回答:
To really explain what's happening there, first we have to understand there are two contains methods...
2021-02-20 19:10
在What is the fastest sorting algorithm for a small中回答:
Years later) for up to 32 inputs,
see the Sorting network generator.
For 8 inputs, it gives 19 swaps...
2021-02-20 19:06
在How to detect if I am in 'console' mode中回答:
By default for console:
Yii::$app->id == 'basic-console'
And for web application:
2021-02-20 18:54
在Python - find integer closest to 0 in list [duplic中回答:
How about this:
lst = [237, 72, -18, 237, 236, 237, 60, -158, -273, -78, 492, 243]
min((abs(x), x) ...