Trim spaces in string - LTRIM RTRIM not working

后端 未结 8 1811
你的背包 2021-02-03 19:14

I tried this code -


Data type of Name is varchar(25)

None of the leading and t

  • 2021-02-03 19:52

    There are cases that the LTRIM RTRIM not doing what you want, to me, it happened because of the tab key when tab key inserted to a database we cant see it in our eyes in this cases trim function doesn't work.

    Try this code

    UPDATE <TablaName> SET NAME = CAST(LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(value, CHAR(9), ''), CHAR(13), ''), CHAR(10), ''))) AS VARCHAR(50))

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  • 2021-02-03 19:54

    You could do something brute force, such as removing the first character "manually" if it is not alphanumeric:

    update table
        set name = rtrim(ltrim(case when name not like '[a-zA-Z0-9]%'
                                    then stuff(name, 1, 1, '')
                                    else name

    You could also search and replace that particular character:

    update table
        set name = rtrim(ltrim(replace(name, "big dash", '')));
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-03 20:05

    Use this to identify the offending character:

    select ascii(substring(' Your string with leading invisible character',1,1));
    -- returns something like 160

    Use this to replace the offending character

    replace(' Your string with leading invisible character', char(160),'')
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-03 20:09

    It is a frequent occurrence that we must remove leading and trailing whitespaces from a string before additional processing or sending it to another layer in an application. We can’t always control how the data is entered. The data might come from another system, a data conversion, an old application, EDI, Excel, or from an application which had poor quality control. In some of those cases, a whitespace might not be entered or saved in the system as character 32 which is a whitespace entered in a keyboard. If that happens, SQL built in functions for trimming whitespaces do not work so it becomes necessary to replace the “other” whitespace characters with character 32. Then LTRIM and RTRIM will work as expected.

    **Select [udfTrim](ColumnName) from Table**
    **CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udfTrim] 
        @StringToClean as varchar(8000)
    RETURNS varchar(8000)
        --Replace all non printing whitespace characers with Characer 32 whitespace
        Set @StringToClean = Replace(@StringToClean,CHAR(0),CHAR(32));
        --Horizontal Tab
        Set @StringToClean = Replace(@StringToClean,CHAR(9),CHAR(32));
        --Line Feed
        Set @StringToClean = Replace(@StringToClean,CHAR(10),CHAR(32));
        --Vertical Tab
        Set @StringToClean = Replace(@StringToClean,CHAR(11),CHAR(32));
        --Form Feed
        Set @StringToClean = Replace(@StringToClean,CHAR(12),CHAR(32));
        --Carriage Return
        Set @StringToClean = Replace(@StringToClean,CHAR(13),CHAR(32));
        --Column Break
        Set @StringToClean = Replace(@StringToClean,CHAR(14),CHAR(32));
        --Non-breaking space
        Set @StringToClean = Replace(@StringToClean,CHAR(160),CHAR(32));
        Set @StringToClean = LTRIM(RTRIM(@StringToClean));
        Return @StringToClean
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-03 20:09

    You can use the HEX method above, or you can also use the ASCII() function to determine the ASCII code of the character in question...

    SELECT ASCII(SUBSTRING('  character string', 1, 1)) 
    SELECT ASCII(SUBSTRING('  character string', 2, 1))

    The select only returns 1 value for the character you specify. But it's helpful for determining which ASCII CHAR() value(s) you need to replace.

    -Eric Isaacs

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  • 2021-02-03 20:10

    If your string has some non-unicode chars, then those need to be removed first. The functions for that are given later, taken from this link -

    First, check if there are any weird hex chars using -

    select convert(varbinary, Name) from table

    Then, use the code given in the link above. Note that in the usage of functions, square brackets are to be removed, otherwise the code won't work. Eg. [@DatabaseName = 'MyDatabaseName',] [@SchemaName = 'MySchemaName',]

    After this, your strings might have some spaces which can be removed using -

    UPDATE Table
    SET Name = RTRIM(LTRIM(Name))

    Also NOTE that the scripts given in the above link/below will not work on the following table -

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Junk](
        [JunkHex] nvarchar(50) NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    INSERT [dbo].[Junk] ([JunkHex]) VALUES (N'Stringğ ')
    INSERT [dbo].[Junk] ([JunkHex]) VALUES (N'withħ')
    INSERT [dbo].[Junk] ([JunkHex]) VALUES (N'įņvalidđ')
    INSERT [dbo].[Junk] ([JunkHex]) VALUES (N'charactersŝ')

    This is the content of the link I have given above -

    Remove non-printable / Unicode characters in SQL Server 2005 A few months ago, I was upgrading some report templates from the older version of Excel (.xls) to Excel 2007 (.xlsx). I ran into numerous problems almost immediately when I attempted to generate the upgraded reports because the incoming data was riddled with charaters that don't play nicely with XML. The data is used for a variety of reporting purposes, so I decided to tackle the problem on the back-end by removing all but the printable ascii characters.

    I started by writing a simple user function for individual strings, but I got to thinking that I may want to automate some of these cleanup tasks and ended up putting something together that allows for a bit more the flexibility. The following creates the basic string user function, along with two procedures to perform the cleanup at the column and table level:

    Note - Each of the scripts below uses all the ones above it. So, execute all scripts in order to get all functionality.

    Function: fn_npclean_string

    use [master]
    set ansi_nulls on
    set quoted_identifier on
    CREATE function [dbo].[fn_npclean_string] (
     @strIn as varchar(1000)
    returns varchar(1000)
     declare @iPtr as int
     set @iPtr = patindex('%[^ -~0-9A-Z]%', @strIn COLLATE LATIN1_GENERAL_BIN)
     while @iPtr > 0 begin
      set @strIn = replace(@strIn COLLATE LATIN1_GENERAL_BIN, substring(@strIn, @iPtr, 1), '')
      set @iPtr = patindex('%[^ -~0-9A-Z]%', @strIn COLLATE LATIN1_GENERAL_BIN)
     return @strIn

    Procedure: sp_npclean_col

    use [master]
    set ansi_nulls on
    set quoted_identifier on
    CREATE procedure [dbo].[sp_npclean_col]
     @DatabaseName varchar(75) = null,
     @SchemaName varchar(75) = null,
     @TableName varchar(75),
     @ColumnName varchar(75)
     Declare @FullTableName varchar(100)
     declare @UpdateSQL nvarchar(1000)
     if @DatabaseName is null begin
      set @DatabaseName = db_name()
     if @SchemaName is null begin
      set @SchemaName = schema_name()
     set @FullTableName = '[' + @DatabaseName + '].[' + @SchemaName + '].[' + @TableName + ']'
     set @UpdateSQL = 'update ' + @FullTableName + ' set [' + @ColumnName + '] = dbo.fn_npclean_string([' + @ColumnName + ']) where [' + @ColumnName + '] like ''%[^ -~0-9A-Z]%'''
     exec sp_ExecuteSQL @UpdateSQL

    Procedure: sp_npclean_table

    use [master]
    set ansi_nulls on
    set quoted_identifier on
    create procedure [dbo].[sp_npclean_table] 
     @TargetDatabase varchar(75) = null,
     @TargetSchema varchar(75) = null,
     @TargetTable varchar(75)
     declare @getColSQL nvarchar(750)
     declare @textCol CURSOR
     declare @curCol varchar(75)
     if @TargetDatabase is null begin
      set @TargetDatabase = db_name()
     if @TargetSchema is null begin
      set @TargetSchema = schema_name()
     set @getColSQL =
      from ' + @TargetDatabase + '.sys.columns sc
      join ' + @TargetDatabase + '.sys.types st
      on sc.system_type_id = st.system_type_id
      join ' + @TargetDatabase + '.sys.objects so
      on sc.object_id = so.object_id
      join ' + @TargetDatabase + '.sys.schemas ss
      on so.schema_id = ss.schema_id
      so.type = ''U''
      and in (''text'',''ntext'',''varchar'',''char'',''nvarchar'',''nchar'')
      and sc.is_rowguidcol = 0
      and sc.is_identity = 0
      and sc.is_computed = 0
      and = ''' + @TargetTable + '''
      and = ''' + @TargetSchema + ''''
     set @getColSQL = 'set @inCursor = cursor for ' + @getColSQL + ' open @incursor'
     execute sp_executesql @getColSQL,N'@inCursor cursor out',@inCursor=@textCol OUT
     fetch next from @textCol into @curCol
     while @@fetch_status = 0
      exec sp_npclean_col @DatabaseName = @TargetDatabase, @SchemaName = @TargetSchema, @TableName = @TargetTable, @ColumnName = @curCol
      fetch next from @textCol into @curCol
     Close @textCol
     DeAllocate @textCol

    Using these, invalid characters can be removed in the following ways:

    By String:

    select master.dbo.fn_npclean_string('Stringğ withħ įņvalidđ charactersŝ')

    By table column:

    exec master.dbo.sp_npclean_col [@DatabaseName = 'MyDatabaseName',] [@SchemaName = 'MySchemaName',] @TableName = 'MyTableName',  @ColumnName = 'MyColumnName'

    By table:

    exec master.dbo.sp_npclean_table [@TargetDatabase = 'MyDatabaseName',] [@TargetSchema = 'MySchemaName',] @TargetTable = 'MyTableName'
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