I have the swagger ui embedded in my application. And when I run my node application locally the UI works great.
However when I deploy the UI to my \'real\' server I ge
To turn off swagger validator add validatorUrl : null, in dist/index.html
window.swaggerUi = new SwaggerUi({
url: url,
validatorUrl : null,
dom_id: "swagger-ui-container",
Swagger-UI is able to handle some malformed specs, which is probably why it is works locally.
By default, the validation process does not run when the spec is read from localhost. You should be able to run it still, if you wish, using the validatorUrl (https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui#parameters).
To see the validation errors, just click on the ERROR
icon, and it will give you a list of problems with your spec.
When this happens (and it sometimes does) I go here:
Paste the swagger schema from here https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-spec/blob/master/schemas/v2.0/schema.json in the schema field and then your spec in the data field