You can use SHIFT for this. It removes %1 and shifts all other arguments one lower. This script outputs all the arguments after %2 (so it outputs %3, %4...) until one of them is empty (so it's the last one):
@echo off
if "%1" == "" goto end
echo %1
goto loop
EDIT: Removed example using %* as this doesn't work - %* always outputs all of the parameters
I am not sure if there is a direct command but you can always use a simple loop and shift to get the result in a variable. Something like:
@echo off set RESTVAR= shift :loop1 if "%1"=="" goto after_loop set RESTVAR=%RESTVAR% %1 shift goto loop1 :after_loop echo %RESTVAR%
Let me know if it helps!
There is a shorter solution (one-liner) utilizing the tokenization capabilities of for
:: all_but_first.bat
echo all: %*
for /f "tokens=1,* delims= " %%a in ("%*") do set ALL_BUT_FIRST=%%b
echo all but first: %ALL_BUT_FIRST%
> all_but_first.bat foo bar baz
all: foo bar baz
all but first: bar baz
The following will work for args with ", =, ' '. Based on Dmitry Sokolov answer. Fixed issue when second arg is the same as first arg.
@echo off
echo %*
set _tail=%*
call set _tail=%%_tail:*%1=%%
echo %_tail%
Sebi, here's the Syntax! There is a behavior, batch eating the equal signs which is not double quoted, it cause trouble in the scripts above. If you wan't to skip, i've made a modification, based on Raman Zhylich answer and strlen.cmd:
SETLOCAL enableDelayedExpansion
SET _tail=%*
SET "_input="
SET /A _len=0
SET "_param=%1"
SET "_input=%_input%%1"
FOR /L %%i in (0,1,8191) DO IF "!_param:~%%i,1!"=="" (
REM skip param
SET /A _len+=%%i
REM _len can't be use in substring
FOR /L %%j in (!_len!,1,!_len!) DO (
REM skip param separator
SET /A _len+=1
IF "!_tail:~%%j,1!"=="=" (SET "_input=%_input%=" & SHIFT & goto :again)
) & goto :next
IF %_len% NEQ 0 SET _tail=!_tail:~%_len%!
ENDLOCAL & SET "_input=%_input%" & SET "_tail=%_tail%"
The following will work for args with "
, =
, ' '
(as compared to @MaxTruxa answer)
echo %*
set _all=%*
call set _tail=%%_all:*%2=%%
set _tail=%2%_tail%
echo %_tail%
> get_tail.cmd "first 1" --flag="other options" --verbose
"first 1" --flag="other options" --verbose
--flag="other options" --verbose