Kotlin calling non final function in constructor works

前端 未结 3 828
北海茫月 2021-02-03 17:43

In Kotlin, it warns you when calling an abstract function in a constructor, citing the following problematic code:

abstract class Base {
    var code = calculate         

  • 2021-02-03 18:31

    The initialization order of a derived class is described in the language reference: Derived class initialization order, and the section also explains why it is a bad (and potentially dangerous) practice to use an open member in initialization logic of your class.

    Basically, at the point when a super class constructor (including its property initializers and the init blocks) is executed, the derived class constructor has not yet run. But the overridden members retain their logic even when called from the super class constructor. This may lead to an overridden member that relies on some state, that is specific to the derived class, being called from the super constructor, which can lead to a bug or a runtime failure. This is also one of the cases when you can get a NullPointerException in Kotlin.

    Consider this code sample:

    open class Base {
        open val size: Int = 0
        init { println("size = $size") }
    class Derived : Base() {
        val items = mutableListOf(1, 2, 3)
        override val size: Int get() = items.size

    (runnable sample)

    Here, the overridden size relies on items being properly initialized, but at the point when size is used in the super constructor, the backing field of items still holds null. Constructing an instance of Derived therefore throws an NPE.

    Using the practice in question safely requires considerable effort even when you don't share the code with anyone else, and when you do, other programmers will usually expect open members to be safe to override involving the state of the derived class.

    As @Bob Dagleish correctly noted, you can use lazy initialization for the code property:

    val code by lazy { calculate() }

    But then you need to be careful and not use code anywhere else in the base class construction logic.

    Another option is to require code to be passed to the base class constructor:

    abstract class Base(var code: Int) {
        abstract fun calculate(): Int
    class Derived(private val x: Int) : Base(calculateFromX(x)) {
        override fun calculate(): Int = 
        companion object {
            fun calculateFromX(x: Int) = x

    This, however, complicates the code of the derived classes in cases when the same logic is used both in overridden members and for calculating the values passed to the super constructor.

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  • 2021-02-03 18:42

    It is definitely poor practice because you are invoking calculate() on a partially constructed object. This suggests that your class has multiple phases of initialization.

    If the result of calculation() is used to initialize a member, or perform layout or something, you might consider using lazy initialization. This will defer the calculation of the result until the result is really needed.

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  • 2021-02-03 18:42

    To invoke the functions of the concrete classes in the abstract class use by lazy which allows calling non-final functions.

    From: area = extractArea(room);

    To: area by lazy { extractArea(room) }


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