What I want is something like Array.join(separator)
, but which takes a second argument Array.join(separator, beforeLastElement)
, so when I say [f
Array.prototype.join2 = function(all, last) {
var arr = this.slice(); //make a copy so we don't mess with the original
var lastItem = arr.splice(-1); //strip out the last element
arr = arr.length ? [arr.join(all)] : []; //make an array with the non-last elements joined with our 'all' string, or make an empty array
arr.push(lastItem); //add last item back so we should have ["some string with first stuff split by 'all'", last item]; or we'll just have [lastItem] if there was only one item, or we'll have [] if there was nothing in the original array
return arr.join(last); //now we join the array with 'last'
> [1,2,3,4].join2(', ', ' and ');
>> "1, 2, 3 and 4"
Though its a late answer, adding some approaches.
Method 1: Using Array.splice() add the last delimiter
before last element and join and remove the last two ,
function join(arr,last)
if(!Array.isArray(arr)) throw "Passed value is not of array type.";
last = last || ' and '; //set 'and' as default
(arr.length>1 && arr.splice(-1,0,last));
arr = arr.join().split("");
return arr.join("");
console.log( join([1]) ); //single valued array
console.log( join([1,2]) ); //double valued array
console.log( join([1,2,3]) ); //more than 2 values array,
console.log( join([1,2,3],' or ') ); //with custom last delimiter
console.log( join("name") ); //Non-array type
Method 2: Using Array.reduce() to construct the string by traversing each element.
function join(arr,last)
if(!Array.isArray(arr)) throw "Passed value is not of array type.";
last=last||' and ';
return arr.reduce(function(acc,value,index){
if(arr.length<2) return arr.join();
return acc + (index>=arr.length-2 ? index>arr.length-2 ? value : value+last : value+",");
console.log( join([1]) ); //single valued array
console.log( join([1,2]) ); //double valued array
console.log( join([1,2,3]) ); //more than 2 values array,
console.log( join([1,2,3,4],' or ') ); //with custom last delimiter
console.log( join("name") ); //Non-array type
function getValuesfromArray(strArray) {
let endString = "";
if (strArray.length > 1) {
const lastEntry = strArray.pop();
endString = strArray.join(", ") + " or " + lastEntry;
else {
endString = strArray.toString();
return endString;
compact version :)
function customJoin(arr,s1,s2){
return(arr.slice(0,-1).join(s1).concat(arr.length > 1 ? s2 : '', arr.slice(-1)));
arr: data array
s1: regular seperator (string)
s2: last seperator (string)
function customJoin(arr,s1,s2){
return(arr.slice(0,-1).join(s1).concat(arr.length > 1 ? s2 : '', arr.slice(-1)));
let arr1 = ['a','b','c','d'];
let arr2 = ['singleToken'];
console.log(customJoin(arr1,',',' and '));
//expected: 'a,b,c and d'
console.log(customJoin(arr1,'::',' and finally::'));
//expected: 'a::b::c and finally::d'
console.log(customJoin(arr2,',','and '));
//expected: 'singleToken'
Building off of @dystroy's answer:
function formatArray(arr){
var outStr = "";
if (arr.length === 1) {
outStr = arr[0];
} else if (arr.length === 2) {
//joins all with "and" but no commas
//example: "bob and sam"
outStr = arr.join(' and ');
} else if (arr.length > 2) {
//joins all with commas, but last one gets ", and" (oxford comma!)
//example: "bob, joe, and sam"
outStr = arr.slice(0, -1).join(', ') + ', and ' + arr.slice(-1);
return outStr;
Example usages:
formatArray([]); //""
formatArray(["a"]); //"a"
formatArray(["a","b"]); //"a and b"
formatArray(["a","b","c"]); //"a, b, and c"
formatArray(["a","b","c","d"]); //"a, b, c, and d"
For me the simplest solution is:
['1', '2', '3'].reduce((previous, current, index, array) => {
if (index === array.length - 1) {
return previous + ' & ' + current;
} else {
return previous + ', ' + current;