While using $mdToast.simple().content(\"some test\")
it is showing the toast with black color. how can I change that color to red, yellow and so, depends on the typ
You did ask about using the simple toast call. Would you mind trying a custom toast show like the demo and add classes to the template?
controller: 'ToastCtrl',
templateUrl: 'views/shared/toast.html',
hideDelay: 6000,
position: $scope.getToastPosition()
<md-toast class="flash">
<span flex>Custom toast!</span>
<md-button ng-click="closeToast()">
md-toast.flash {
background-color: red;
color: white;
'use strict'
# @ngdoc function
# @name angularApp.controller:ToastCtrl
# @description
# # ToastCtrl
# Controller of the angularApp
.controller 'ToastCtrl', ($scope) ->
$scope.closeToast = ()->
For a correct implementation, please use rlay3s solution below :)!
I had problems displaying custom text with jhblacklocks solution, so I decided to do it like this using 'template':
var displayToast = function(type, msg) {
template: '<md-toast class="md-toast ' + type +'">' + msg + '</md-toast>',
hideDelay: 6000,
position: 'bottom right'
I also added the different types in my .css file:
.md-toast.error {
background-color: red;
.md-toast.success {
background-color: green;
Don't know if this is the most beautiful approach, but I don't need a template files for each dialog type and displaying custom text is really easy.
I first favoured the solution but I don't like setting up a theme in the theme provider just for a toast. So how about this solution:
JS (Coffee)
if error
message = ''
if error.reason is 'Incorrect password'
message = 'Email and password combination is incorrect'
if error.reason is 'User not found'
message = 'No account found with this email address'
templateUrl: 'client/modules/toasts/toastError.html'
hideDelay: 3000
controller: ( $scope ) ->
$scope.message = message
$scope.class = 'error'
$scope.buttonLabel = 'close'
$scope.closeToast = ->
).then( ( result ) ->
if result is 'ok'
console.log('do action')
and then HTML (JADE)
span(flex) {{message}}
md-button.md-action(ng-click="closeToast()") {{buttonLabel}}
I tried to use the locals
option to pass variables to the controller, but for some reason they are not injected.(https://material.angularjs.org/latest/#/api/material.components.toast/service/$mdToast check list of options under show
Then last the CSS (STYLUS)
background-color green
background-color red
Summary: there is on template in this case which you can give custom placeholders which you prefill in your controller. This solution works for me.