Does anyone know how i could use sublime text 2 with scheme. I\'ve heard ST2 and I want to try it out? right now I\'m learning scheme. I have the scheme interpreter installed -
I wish my answer would help you~ My solution isn't to use Mit-Scheme but DrScheme,and the specific process is as following:
"cmd": {"linux": ["scheme"], "osx": ["scheme"], "windows": ["scheme"]},
and change it :
"cmd": {"linux": ["scheme"], "osx": ["scheme"], "windows": ["scheme"]},
,and enter scheme
,press Enter
Enjoy it!
It's probably a little bit late but I'd still like to share my experience...
Now I'm using Sublime Text 2 and using Scheme fine.
First install the package "Scheme" through package control.
Then install the package "SublimeREPL" (for Sublime Text 2).
Then you should have a fully functioning Scheme environment in your Sublime! Syntax highlight is good, and use SublimeREPL for a interactive Scheme prompt.