I ran docker images
and got the following error:
FATA[0000] Get http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.17/images/json:
dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: no su
It may be not a bug. I am facing the same log when run :"boot2docker up -v" command. Then 'eval "$(boot2docker shellinit)" ' just doesn't work on fish but the "boot2docker shellinit" is actually the fish command. Then I switch to zsh, there is some wired output which also has been reported somewhere. Then I switch to bash. I try both 'eval "$(boot2docker shellinit)" ' and "$(boot2docker shellinit)" without eval. Then I found that "boot2docker shellinit" also generates the fish script. Which may give me the answer why it doesn't work at first place. So I copied the three line of fish script and pasted it in the fish shell and now the error log the one you are facing is going even in the bash. I don't really know the reason. Usually the ev on works on the current shell and current session.
Your docker daemon is simply not running.
Just run service docker start
you need to do this once:
boot2docker init
then, everytime you reboot your mac you will need to run :
boot2docker start
That is the command that starts the docker daemon. But, on each shell you want to access it from you will need to run:
$(boot2docker shellinit)
Now you can use the docker client, like:
docker run hello-world