Text background with round corner like Instagram does

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失恋的感觉 2021-02-03 13:34

I want to create text with background color and round corners like Instagram does. I am able to achieve the background color but could not create the round corners.

  • 2021-02-03 14:09

    So, you want this:

    Here's an answer that I spent way too long on, and that you probably won't even like, because your question is tagged objective-c but I wrote this answer in Swift. You can use Swift code from Objective-C, but not everyone wants to.

    You can find my entire test project, including iOS and macOS test apps, in this github repo.

    Anyway, what we need to do is compute the contour of the union of all of the line rects. Lipski and Preparata published an algorithm for computing this contour in 1979.

    This algorithm is probably more general than actually required for your problem, since it can handle rectangle arrangements that create holes:

    So it might be overkill for you, but it gets the job done.

    Anyway, once we have the contour, we can convert it to a CGPath with rounded corners for stroking or filling.

    The algorithm is somewhat involved, but I implemented it (in Swift) as an extension method on CGPath:

    import CoreGraphics
    extension CGPath {
        static func makeUnion(of rects: [CGRect], cornerRadius: CGFloat) -> CGPath {
            let phase2 = AlgorithmPhase2(cornerRadius: cornerRadius)
            _ = AlgorithmPhase1(rects: rects, phase2: phase2)
            return phase2.makePath()
    fileprivate func swapped<A, B>(_ pair: (A, B)) -> (B, A) { return (pair.1, pair.0) }
    fileprivate class AlgorithmPhase1 {
        init(rects: [CGRect], phase2: AlgorithmPhase2) {
            self.phase2 = phase2
            xs = Array(Set(rects.map({ $0.origin.x})).union(rects.map({ $0.origin.x + $0.size.width }))).sorted()
            indexOfX = [CGFloat:Int](uniqueKeysWithValues: xs.enumerated().map(swapped))
            ys = Array(Set(rects.map({ $0.origin.y})).union(rects.map({ $0.origin.y + $0.size.height }))).sorted()
            indexOfY = [CGFloat:Int](uniqueKeysWithValues: ys.enumerated().map(swapped))
            segments.reserveCapacity(2 * ys.count)
            _ = makeSegment(y0: 0, y1: ys.count - 1)
            let sides = (rects.map({ makeSide(direction: .down, rect: $0) }) + rects.map({ makeSide(direction: .up, rect: $0)})).sorted()
            var priorX = 0
            var priorDirection = VerticalDirection.down
            for side in sides {
                if side.x != priorX || side.direction != priorDirection {
                    convertStackToPhase2Sides(atX: priorX, direction: priorDirection)
                    priorX = side.x
                    priorDirection = side.direction
                switch priorDirection {
                case .down:
                    pushEmptySegmentsOfSegmentTree(atIndex: 0, thatOverlap: side)
                    adjustInsertionCountsOfSegmentTree(atIndex: 0, by: 1, for: side)
                case .up:
                    adjustInsertionCountsOfSegmentTree(atIndex: 0, by: -1, for: side)
                    pushEmptySegmentsOfSegmentTree(atIndex: 0, thatOverlap: side)
            convertStackToPhase2Sides(atX: priorX, direction: priorDirection)
        private let phase2: AlgorithmPhase2
        private let xs: [CGFloat]
        private let indexOfX: [CGFloat: Int]
        private let ys: [CGFloat]
        private let indexOfY: [CGFloat: Int]
        private var segments: [Segment] = []
        private var stack: [(Int, Int)] = []
        private struct Segment {
            var y0: Int
            var y1: Int
            var insertions = 0
            var status  = Status.empty
            var leftChildIndex: Int?
            var rightChildIndex: Int?
            var mid: Int { return (y0 + y1 + 1) / 2 }
            func withChildrenThatOverlap(_ side: Side, do body: (_ childIndex: Int) -> ()) {
                if side.y0 < mid, let l = leftChildIndex { body(l) }
                if mid < side.y1, let r = rightChildIndex { body(r) }
            init(y0: Int, y1: Int) {
                self.y0 = y0
                self.y1 = y1
            enum Status {
                case empty
                case partial
                case full
        private struct /*Vertical*/Side: Comparable {
            var x: Int
            var direction: VerticalDirection
            var y0: Int
            var y1: Int
            func fullyContains(_ segment: Segment) -> Bool {
                return y0 <= segment.y0 && segment.y1 <= y1
            static func ==(lhs: Side, rhs: Side) -> Bool {
                return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.direction == rhs.direction && lhs.y0 == rhs.y0 && lhs.y1 == rhs.y1
            static func <(lhs: Side, rhs: Side) -> Bool {
                if lhs.x < rhs.x { return true }
                if lhs.x > rhs.x { return false }
                if lhs.direction.rawValue < rhs.direction.rawValue { return true }
                if lhs.direction.rawValue > rhs.direction.rawValue { return false }
                if lhs.y0 < rhs.y0 { return true }
                if lhs.y0 > rhs.y0 { return false }
                return lhs.y1 < rhs.y1
        private func makeSegment(y0: Int, y1: Int) -> Int {
            let index = segments.count
            let segment: Segment = Segment(y0: y0, y1: y1)
            if y1 - y0 > 1 {
                let mid = segment.mid
                segments[index].leftChildIndex = makeSegment(y0: y0, y1: mid)
                segments[index].rightChildIndex = makeSegment(y0: mid, y1: y1)
            return index
        private func adjustInsertionCountsOfSegmentTree(atIndex i: Int, by delta: Int, for side: Side) {
            var segment = segments[i]
            if side.fullyContains(segment) {
                segment.insertions += delta
            } else {
                segment.withChildrenThatOverlap(side) { adjustInsertionCountsOfSegmentTree(atIndex: $0, by: delta, for: side) }
            segment.status = uncachedStatus(of: segment)
            segments[i] = segment
        private func uncachedStatus(of segment: Segment) -> Segment.Status {
            if segment.insertions > 0 { return .full }
            if let l = segment.leftChildIndex, let r = segment.rightChildIndex {
                return segments[l].status == .empty && segments[r].status == .empty ? .empty : .partial
            return .empty
        private func pushEmptySegmentsOfSegmentTree(atIndex i: Int, thatOverlap side: Side) {
            let segment = segments[i]
            switch segment.status {
            case .empty where side.fullyContains(segment):
                if let top = stack.last, segment.y0 == top.1 {
                    // segment.y0 == prior segment.y1, so merge.
                    stack[stack.count - 1] = (top.0, segment.y1)
                } else {
                    stack.append((segment.y0, segment.y1))
            case .partial, .empty:
                segment.withChildrenThatOverlap(side) { pushEmptySegmentsOfSegmentTree(atIndex: $0, thatOverlap: side) }
            case .full: break
        private func makeSide(direction: VerticalDirection, rect: CGRect) -> Side {
            let x: Int
            switch direction {
            case .down: x = indexOfX[rect.minX]!
            case .up: x = indexOfX[rect.maxX]!
            return Side(x: x, direction: direction, y0: indexOfY[rect.minY]!, y1: indexOfY[rect.maxY]!)
        private func convertStackToPhase2Sides(atX x: Int, direction: VerticalDirection) {
            guard stack.count > 0 else { return }
            let gx = xs[x]
            switch direction {
            case .up:
                for (y0, y1) in stack {
                    phase2.addVerticalSide(atX: gx, fromY: ys[y0], toY: ys[y1])
            case .down:
                for (y0, y1) in stack {
                    phase2.addVerticalSide(atX: gx, fromY: ys[y1], toY: ys[y0])
            stack.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
    fileprivate class AlgorithmPhase2 {
        init(cornerRadius: CGFloat) {
            self.cornerRadius = cornerRadius
        let cornerRadius: CGFloat
        func addVerticalSide(atX x: CGFloat, fromY y0: CGFloat, toY y1: CGFloat) {
            verticalSides.append(VerticalSide(x: x, y0: y0, y1: y1))
        func makePath() -> CGPath {
            verticalSides.sort(by: { (a, b) in
                if a.x < b.x { return true }
                if a.x > b.x { return false }
                return a.y0 < b.y0
            var vertexes: [Vertex] = []
            for (i, side) in verticalSides.enumerated() {
                vertexes.append(Vertex(x: side.x, y0: side.y0, y1: side.y1, sideIndex: i, representsEnd: false))
                vertexes.append(Vertex(x: side.x, y0: side.y1, y1: side.y0, sideIndex: i, representsEnd: true))
            vertexes.sort(by: { (a, b) in
                if a.y0 < b.y0 { return true }
                if a.y0 > b.y0 { return false }
                return a.x < b.x
            for i in stride(from: 0, to: vertexes.count, by: 2) {
                let v0 = vertexes[i]
                let v1 = vertexes[i+1]
                let startSideIndex: Int
                let endSideIndex: Int
                if v0.representsEnd {
                    startSideIndex = v0.sideIndex
                    endSideIndex = v1.sideIndex
                } else {
                    startSideIndex = v1.sideIndex
                    endSideIndex = v0.sideIndex
                precondition(verticalSides[startSideIndex].nextIndex == -1)
                verticalSides[startSideIndex].nextIndex = endSideIndex
            let path = CGMutablePath()
            for i in verticalSides.indices where !verticalSides[i].emitted {
                addLoop(startingAtSideIndex: i, to: path)
            return path.copy()!
        private var verticalSides: [VerticalSide] = []
        private struct VerticalSide {
            var x: CGFloat
            var y0: CGFloat
            var y1: CGFloat
            var nextIndex = -1
            var emitted = false
            var isDown: Bool { return y1 < y0 }
            var startPoint: CGPoint { return CGPoint(x: x, y: y0) }
            var midPoint: CGPoint { return CGPoint(x: x, y: 0.5 * (y0 + y1)) }
            var endPoint: CGPoint { return CGPoint(x: x, y: y1) }
            init(x: CGFloat, y0: CGFloat, y1: CGFloat) {
                self.x = x
                self.y0 = y0
                self.y1 = y1
        private struct Vertex {
            var x: CGFloat
            var y0: CGFloat
            var y1: CGFloat
            var sideIndex: Int
            var representsEnd: Bool
        private func addLoop(startingAtSideIndex startIndex: Int, to path: CGMutablePath) {
            var point = verticalSides[startIndex].midPoint
            path.move(to: point)
            var fromIndex = startIndex
            repeat {
                let toIndex = verticalSides[fromIndex].nextIndex
                let horizontalMidpoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5 * (verticalSides[fromIndex].x + verticalSides[toIndex].x), y: verticalSides[fromIndex].y1)
                path.addCorner(from: point, toward: verticalSides[fromIndex].endPoint, to: horizontalMidpoint, maxRadius: cornerRadius)
                let nextPoint = verticalSides[toIndex].midPoint
                path.addCorner(from: horizontalMidpoint, toward: verticalSides[toIndex].startPoint, to: nextPoint, maxRadius: cornerRadius)
                verticalSides[fromIndex].emitted = true
                fromIndex = toIndex
                point = nextPoint
            } while fromIndex != startIndex
    fileprivate extension CGMutablePath {
        func addCorner(from start: CGPoint, toward corner: CGPoint, to end: CGPoint, maxRadius: CGFloat) {
            let radius = min(maxRadius, min(abs(start.x - end.x), abs(start.y - end.y)))
            addArc(tangent1End: corner, tangent2End: end, radius: radius)
    fileprivate enum VerticalDirection: Int {
        case down = 0
        case up = 1

    With this, I can paint the rounded background you want in my view controller:

    private func setHighlightPath() {
        let textLayer = textView.layer
        let textContainerInset = textView.textContainerInset
        let uiInset = CGFloat(insetSlider.value)
        let radius = CGFloat(radiusSlider.value)
        let highlightLayer = self.highlightLayer
        let layout = textView.layoutManager
        let range = NSMakeRange(0, layout.numberOfGlyphs)
        var rects = [CGRect]()
        layout.enumerateLineFragments(forGlyphRange: range) { (_, usedRect, _, _, _) in
            if usedRect.width > 0 && usedRect.height > 0 {
                var rect = usedRect
                rect.origin.x += textContainerInset.left
                rect.origin.y += textContainerInset.top
                rect = highlightLayer.convert(rect, from: textLayer)
                rect = rect.insetBy(dx: uiInset, dy: uiInset)
        highlightLayer.path = CGPath.makeUnion(of: rects, cornerRadius: radius)
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