This stackoverflow solution almost answers my question. But I want to generate CDN urls in Twig
to more than just resources. I\'d like to generate them for dynamic
You can do it with the help of the question you linked by following way
{{ asset(path('route',{'param1':'value'})) }}
If you need to handle multiple CDN domains you can do it by following way
In app/config.yml
# app/config.yml
engines: ['twig']
base_urls: [""]
base_urls: [""]
And then in your twig template file
{{ asset('path/of/file', 'cdn1')
{{ asset('path/of/file', 'cdn2')
I don't know about the CDN stuff but as far as extending the url function, take a look at:
public function __construct(UrlGeneratorInterface $generator)
$this->generator = $generator;
public function getFunctions()
return array(
'url' => new \Twig_Function_Method($this, 'getUrl'),
'path' => new \Twig_Function_Method($this, 'getPath'),
public function getPath($name, $parameters = array())
return $this->generator->generate($name, $parameters, false);
public function getUrl($name, $parameters = array())
return $this->generator->generate($name, $parameters, true);
So you could get at getUrl there or you could insert you own UrlGenerator. Not sure which would be easier in your specific case. Probably making your own UrlGenerator.