Hey... how would you validate a full_name field (name surname).
Instead of validating the characters that are there, you might just want to ensure some set of characters is not present.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_format_of :full_name, :with => /\A[^0-9`!@#\$%\^&*+_=]+\z/
# add any other characters you'd like to disallow inside the [ brackets ]
# metacharacters [, \, ^, $, ., |, ?, *, +, (, and ) need to be escaped with a \
Ms. Jan Levinson-Gould # pass
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. # pass
Brett d'Arras-d'Haudracey # pass
Brüno # pass
John Doe # pass
Mary-Jo Jane Sally Smith # pass
Fatty Mc.Error$ # fail
FA!L # fail
#arold Newm@n # fail
N4m3 w1th Numb3r5 # fail
\A the beginning of the string
[^`!@#\$%\^&*+_=\d]+ any character except: '`', '!', '@', '#',
'\$', '%', '\^', '&', '*', '+', '_', '=',
digits (0-9) (1 or more times (matching
the most amount possible))
\z the end of the string
Any validation you perform here is likely to break down unless it is extremely general. For instance, enforcing a minimum length of 3 is probably about as reasonable as you can get without getting into the specifics of what is entered.
When you have names like "O'Malley" with an apostrophe, "Smith-Johnson" with a dash, "Andrés" with accented characters or extremely short names such as "Vo Ly" with virtually no characters at all, how do you validate without excluding legitimate cases? It's not easy.
At least one space and at least 4 char (including the space)
\A(?=.* )[^0-9`!@#\\\$%\^&*\;+_=]{4,}\z