I\'m toying with a small game on my iPad using cocos2d and I\'ve run into some performance worries. I have a 512x512 image tiled as my background. That gives me around 40fps wit
First of all, are you running this on your iPad or the simulator? There is usually a large performance difference there. After looking at forums where people have similar problems, I would try splitting the whole 1024x768 image into 2 images that are 512x768. Hope that helps.
I tried this myself with a 1024x768 background and get about 60fps even in debug with an iPad. Perhaps make sure your image doesn't have extra channels or alpha?
Turns out cocos2d moves in mysterious ways. Adding the background to an otherwise empty wrapping CCSprite
gets the framerate back up to 60:
CCSprite *spback = [(CCSprite*)[CCSprite alloc] init];
[self addChild:spback];
CCSprite *sp = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"Background.png"];
sp.position = ccp(1024/2, 768/2);
[spback addChild:sp];
Credits for this goes to yaoligang on the cocos2d forums.