Python database WITHOUT using Django (for Heroku)

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误落风尘 2021-02-02 15:54

To my surprise, I haven\'t found this question asked elsewhere. Short version, I\'m writing an app that I plan to deploy to the cloud (probably using Heroku), which will do var

  • 2021-02-02 16:30

    I'd use MongoDB. Heroku has support for it, so I think it will be really easy to start and scale out:

    About Python: MongoDB is a really easy database. The schema is flexible and fits really well with Python dictionaries. That's something really good.

    You can use PyMongo

    from pymongo import Connection
    connection = Connection()
    # Get your DB
    db = connection.my_database
    # Get your collection
    cars =
    # Create some objects
    import datetime
    car = {"brand": "Ford",
           "model": "Mustang",
           "date": datetime.datetime.utcnow()}
    # Insert it

    Pretty simple, uh?

    Hope it helps.


    As Endophage mentioned, another good option for interfacing with Mongo is mongoengine. If you have lots of data to store, you should take a look at that.

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  • 2021-02-02 16:42

    Create a standalone Heroku Postgres database.

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  • 2021-02-02 16:43

    You can get a database provided from Heroku without requiring your app to use Django. To do so:

    heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:dev

    If you need a larger more dedicated database, you can examine the plans at Heroku Postgres

    Within your requirements.txt you'll want to add:


    Then you can connect/interact with it similar to the following:

    import psycopg2
    import os
    import urlparse
    url = urlparse.urlparse(os.environ['DATABASE_URL'])
    conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=%s user=%s password=%s host=%s " % (url.path[1:], url.username, url.password, url.hostname))
    cur = conn.cursor()
    query = "SELECT ...."
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  • 2021-02-02 16:43

    I did this recently with Flask. (

    There are a couple of gotchas:

    1. If you don't use Django you may have to set up your database yourself by doing:

    heroku addons:add shared-database

    (Or whichever database you want to use, the others cost money.)

    2. The database URL is stored in Heroku in the "DATABASE_URL" environment variable. In python you can get it by doing.

    dburl = os.environ['DATABASE_URL']

    What you do to connect to the database from there is up to you, one option is SQLAlchemy.

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